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Costco / Thugs

The conspiracy kooks are back! It was getting quiet for a bit. Drink any bleach lately? Did Bill Gates put a microchip in the 30 million people who got the vaccine already?
Whoever thought a bunch of manly sledders would be such a bunch of whiney Karen’s about something so simple as wearing a mask? I really think a few of you need to try out this simple test to show yourselves how a mask works to slow the spread of a virus...

Step 1-stand on your deck facing into your house with the screen door open. Piss as far into the house as you can. Then measure how far it goes and how far it splatters.

Step 2. Drink several bud lights. Then repeat the process with the screen door closed. Sure, you’ll still get some piss in your house but I’ll bet $$ it’ll go a fraction as far and a lot of it will splatter back onto you rather than onto your wife if she had walked by while you were performing step 1.

No one likes wearing a mask, but there’s no need to be a dick about it and spread this crap around to someone that doesn’t need to catch it just because you think it’s your freedom to disrespect the health and concerns of others even if you don’t agree with them. If it stops even 1 person who is immune compromised from getting sick and dying and let’s them have a chance at having a little bit of freedom to go out in public then it’s worth it. Suck it up buttercup.
Ok. Whatever you say captain squirt.
Funny how even liberal states like California and New York + more are faced with more invasive liberty lockdowns and internal scandals (that even their fawning liberal media prove ineffective from covering up despite their best efforts - read that again you fawning idiots) from their Governors, they loosen up the control.

Loosen restrictions? Coincidence? Seeing what they can get away with? Do the people feel statistically ignorant yet?

No doubt a test of will, but I'm not buying into the agenda.

Stupid sheep.

Am I a Karen yet? LMAO!
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So, in the end, is it:

Virus Logic?

Or virus control?

Or perceived virus logic to get control?

And, again with virus, or without virus, Control?

Look who is cheering nowadays. Is that the Elitists? And that is your answer.

Can anybody name a name President of the United States who seems incoherent lately?

What if it was just a normal influenza season all along and we just went through a global ****show to cover up the pedophiles, or some other reason?

The numbers just don't show a historical "Pandemic" retrospectively.
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If you were in a ventilated closed booth filled with virus you would definitely get it even with a simple mask. That was the stupidest analogy I've heard yet. Congrats. I've heard paint fumes kills brain cells and you proved that one is true. Have you even seen the protection people have to wear to work in the ICU at the hospitals? I swear you morons have white claws for breakfast or something. Karen's everywhere.
I will take your opinion into consideration. Knowing the highly qualified scholar it came from. It is really sad you are not as successful as Bill Gates considering the great wealth of knowledge you have in ALL topics on this forum. In reality I am quite convinced you are challenged by the use of velcro.
As far as the effective use of masks, cloth or paper, I have seen 2 people I work with who are the poster childs for what you are supposed to do- masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning, spraying and social distancing, both still got it. **** happens.
LE waving the conspiracy flag hard! Yup it is all just a global effort by the lizard people to take control. Infowars.com!!!! Buy my energy drink and burn down the elitist liberal institution!

Did you know that some people drink water that other people pooped in? It goes through this crazy process that cleans the water and adds chemicals. Those chemicals makes people turn gay or something I heard. Infowars.com!!!
Can I get the measurements/template for a drop and roll in the Snowhawk?
Don’t get thrown on covid jail cuz I neeed some advice for next year.
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I just want to know if Kawksteer's wife is super pissed he lost their Costco membership? Did she kick your ass for being such a man child? How else are you going to stock your bunker?
As far as the effective use of masks, cloth or paper, I have seen 2 people I work with who are the poster childs for what you are supposed to do- masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning, spraying and social distancing, both still got it. **** happens.
Do I have to draw you a picture? They likely got it from mouth breathers like yourself who can’t seem to grasp the very simple concept that the mask is to prevent someone who has the virus from spreading it as far... it’s not a brainwashing conspiracy from the evil elites, it’s simple logic-if the particles that you exhale go through a baffle then they are slowed down. With less velocity they travel less distance. Hence the result of less people breathing in whatever you breathed out, or what you breathed out settling on less surfaces for others to touch.

The fact that they have to mandate something that is so freakin simple to understand because you clowns are so insecure about lookin silly wearing a cloth mask says a lot about people today. If a cloth mask gives you even a minuscule chance to avoid giving covid to one person who has a condition that puts them at risk of serious illness then it’s totally worth it. Don’t be a selfish dickhead.
And yet.... the people who touch the contaminated surface touch their wet mask and inhale the contaminate, or rub their eyes.
Since when does a mask or any PPE promote proper hygiene, and decontamination practices.
Stop the govt handouts, and covid fear will go away, covid is here to stay. Time to accept it. Its Just like the common cold, and the seasonal flu.

It seems that certain Canadian provinces are holding on to this covid fear, when other countries, and states have moved on.
Do I have to draw you a picture? They likely got it from mouth breathers like yourself who can’t seem to grasp the very simple concept that the mask is to prevent someone who has the virus from spreading it as far... it’s not a brainwashing conspiracy from the evil elites, it’s simple logic-if the particles that you exhale go through a baffle then they are slowed down. With less velocity they travel less distance. Hence the result of less people breathing in whatever you breathed out, or what you breathed out settling on less surfaces for others to touch.

The fact that they have to mandate something that is so freakin simple to understand because you clowns are so insecure about lookin silly wearing a cloth mask says a lot about people today. If a cloth mask gives you even a minuscule chance to avoid giving covid to one person who has a condition that puts them at risk of serious illness then it’s totally worth it. Don’t be a selfish dickhead.

If mask mandates are soooo superior, why is South Dakota such a shining example of how to get through this without governmental overlords micromanaging our lives?
Like everyone else, we had our spike and it went back down. That's what viruses do. This stuff is not rocket surgery.
I watched an electrician remove his mask to sneeze just this morning. I shot him a look but he is too stupid to understand. It isn't worth a discussion after a year of this basic hygienic premise. Same dudes who still piss all over the floor at the urinal.

Having not even gotten a cold over the past year even with a flight to Hawaii I'm happy with masks in certain environments. I'll probably always wear a mask on a plane here on out. Giant flying chambers of viruses pre Covid19. People are morons who can't even cover their face when sneezing.
So that diaper on your face gives you every right to get into people's faces that are not wearing that is what you're saying ? Because this is exactly what happened I'm keeping my distance and people that are pushing the mask are in my face with their mask .
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