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Colorado 4M Ride 2009

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Bushy - count me in for a big cabin (2 room)...

Gotcha Alan, send your deposit to the treasurer....uhh.."sledtrasher":D J/K, we'll figure out how to collect deposts soon.

I made edits to my novel from last night with firm info.
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damn, prez weekend?!?
Always ride in NorCal that week..............

Well, reschedule man, you don't want to miss this one! Hopefully the rest of the So Co Crew can make it. I had a great time riding with you guys last year and appreciate the RT loaner :D 3 belts in two days! but I guess that's not bad considering two of them were M belts. lol:o
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You can count me in ! the wife sounded exited for me to leave! If I read corectly the deposit will be 50.00 per night on the hotel rooms x no of nights due Jan 1 ? And I would definitly kick in on the booking deposit as well !
Polzinhunter that's more or less the deal. The deposit to reserve the motel room is $50 and that's gonna be due by mid August. January 1st, half your total motel bill will be due. Based on a 3 night stay, that'll come to $68.50, to be added to the $50 you already will have paid for the initial deposit. Come checkout time you'll owe another $118.50, plus whatever the motel tax is up there (~11%?). Should have a pay pal address to send deposits to pretty soon.:)
Bushy, Put me down for a room (cheapest) in case I have to fly due to a bursting wife.

Let me know where I can send a check to. I am boycotting PayPal. I got screwed on my last transaction through them so I am not dealing with em anymore unless I ABSOLUTELY have to.
Let's play it by ear Sledskiing and thanks for posting on your forum; I was just over there browsing the other day :). I also have a group of folks I ride with I need to contact. These reservations can be modified as needed. For now it would be good to make our deposit by mid August.
Bushy, Put me down for a room (cheapest) in case I have to fly due to a bursting wife.

Let me know where I can send a check to. I am boycotting PayPal. I got screwed on my last transaction through them so I am not dealing with em anymore unless I ABSOLUTELY have to.

PM'd you with my address PJ. Check is fine and it will save us the 3% money transfer fee. What happened with pay pal? Haven't had or heard of problems with them. They don't get into the middle of disputes but seem to do fine transferring money. I figured pay pal would be the easiest for some folks. I have an account that I can accept money transfers, but I don't have a business account that would allow for multi-user access.

I've inquired about a business account with them, but from the response they sent it looks like that type of account has a montly fee of $30. Still trading emails with them though. If this doesn't work out and it's copacetic with you folks I can handle your deposits and post a spreadsheet on my web site that shows all the details.
:) Excellent spot for the ride. We stayed there last year with a group from out of state who have ridden many different areas, and zero complaints from them. Great people there as mentioned too. I'm discussing with the crew, but likely we'll be in as well.
Let's play it by ear Sledskiing and thanks for posting on your forum; I was just over there browsing the other day :). I also have a group of folks I ride with I need to contact. These reservations can be modified as needed. For now it would be good to make our deposit by mid August.

pm me paypal details
maybe with enough 4mer's the restaurant will be open so we can eat? Can we also take a tour through that sweet town of columbine I think that town misses me! Is some one bringing a TV?
Payment info

No answer from pay pal on a group account yet but maybe we can open one if they can do it for no monthly fee. Gary out at SLO was going to work up the agreement we discussed and email it to me, but he decided to snail mail it instead, so I should have something in writing in a day or two. I don't expect any surprises, but maybe wait to send deposits until I get that and post it up.

I put together a spreadsheet to keep track of stuff and put it on my webpage.
http://lamar.colostate.edu/~pblock/My Web Page.htm.
Mostly just a site for my weather station (ya geeky), but I put a tab there called "Forum ride 09" and you can access the spreadsheet. It gives me a goofy message when opening, but works, so let me know if you have trouble opening it in Excel. It's Excel format 1997-2003 so should open for most. Pretty self explanatory. Check the "Requested room" column and let me know if it's not what you wanted. As deposits come in, I'll move your name up to the "Reserved by" column. I'll update the spreadsheet regularly.
Pm'd you Joe Mama and sledskiing.

Anti-Hero, the resteraunt at SLO will be open for our shindig. Did I blink and miss the town of Columbine up there? I see it on the map though. I probably will throw my dish and a TV in the car that I use for my camper. Probably won't watch much, but nice to keep in touch with the news and weather.

I am definitely going. I am trying to get a number on my end. I am looking at 4 to 5 right now. What is the drop dead date for numbers?
Rod, we just need a deposit to reserve your room, number of guests you put in it is up to you. $50 for a motel room, $75 for a 1 bed cabin, and $100 for 2 bed cabin. See the above posts for deadline details.

For those planning on using pay pal, there is a 3% transaction fee that I will be charged. Please include this with the deposits. Might be better off sending a check.

Pm'd ya Alan.

That icon is great DooGirl:D
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