I assume by this comment you believe that the UAW makes business decisions for the big three. The UAW has very little say in what type of products are engineered, marketed and sold. Expenses from the UAW workforce comprise less than 7 percent of the overall cost in producing the vehicles we drive. I have ten years experience as a employee of Ford Motor Co., have a bachelors degree from the University of Wyoming, oversee the maintenance & programming of paint & cast skin robotics for the manufacturing of instrument panels. I make $54000.00 per year, have a family of 4, and with the little bit of extra money I have, I love to spend it on snowmobiling. I know from reading the news you may think this whole problem is a result of GREEDY UAW members, that are lazy and overpaid. We are not the overpaid executive, flying in on corporate jets, making business decisions that obviously haven't worked out and asking for a loan because our stock options have suffered greatly. This whole thread was started on the simple idea that we should try our best to buy our own products when possible, not whether you agree with the UAW or unions in general. This refers to all products built in America, large or small, union and non-union, that help families right here make a living. It only makes sense to support the workers right here in North America
In closing, I only hope that the consumers you rely on to raise your family and support your passion of snowmobiling continue to purchase your products, stay at your resorts, patronize your establishments and ultimately help your business thrive. I think we'll all be better for it.