I'm not sure about the cost of labor in an American Car being 3% but I'll bet it's not that far off.
I am in a Union also and I can tell you that our labor cost that goes into the product we, (actual hands on the product) assemble is 4 to 5% of the total cost of the product and Slick, that always includes benefits and wages combined.
That is the way it's figured.
Our workforce was asked to go "Lean" and over a period of 3 to 4 years we, as a workforce did just that and brought our cost from 7% to the 4 to 5% that it is today.
That was huge.
Oh, BTW we now do with just 26,000 members what we used to do with 64,000 people just 15 years ago.
Yes, we do a lot of things more efficiently but mostly it's because all those jobs were shipped overseas.
The ONLY reason they dont ship them ALL overseas is BECAUSE of the Union so don't sit there behind your keyboard making judgements on Unions and how evil they are when they save thousands of jobs and American workers every year.
And none of us vote how we're asked to vote by the Union Leadership.
We vote for who we want. WTH ? Do you think we're puppets?
I am not bashing ALL unions but I will bash the UAW all day! Unions are an inportant part of North American companys period.
The 3% or 7% or whatever is total BS, who cares. Tell me, what percent of a Fords cost equates to the CEO flying home to Seattle every weekend JUST to please his bit(h wife. Is that ok becase it's just a small percentage? Or insane CEO pay, what percent does that equate to?
I also don't think anyone said anything about how union MEMBERS vote, although I would guarnetee it's WAY left wing and socialist. It's all about where your union LEADERS spend YOUR lobby money. And yes, you support it indirectly with your union dues. It's kinda like putting money in the basket at church, do you know where it's going? Are you feeding the hungry or lining the pocket of some selfish rich priest, paster, ect, or worse.
As far as your arguement that unions help to keep businesses in North America, please elaborate, I could easily make a counter arguement.
As you know, Boeing is going to be outta here sooner than later, I'll bet my life on it. Is it because Washington state is a crappy place to do business? Is it because the unions go on strike every 4 years no matter what shape the economy is in. Or, is it because Airbus is built in a socialist country that give tax payer money to Airbus to under cut the competition? Or is it "D" All of the above?
Without unions we would have no barr set for employee benifits, pay and rights, so they serve a huge purpose and are extreemly impotant. The problem is knowing when to draw the line. Your union did what the UAW wouldn't to cut costs, although maybe too late.
Do you think some high school drop out should be making $150,000 a year in pay and
benifits on an assembly line because the union says they're entitled to that pay under union rules. The competition over seas thinks it's great that we are that stupid.
For me it's not really just about cost and quality, all though that is huge. It's more about agenda. I mean no disrespect to you or your family, it's just my opinion. Eric