F-Bomb, saw your billboard parked in the lot. Try to get their before dark next time.

Too bad I didn't get a chance to see you guys.
BMWMS, Checked out that backcountry area for you, yep it's deep, yep very few people have been back there, Sorry about the leaving you some, must have missed that part. Try not to fall in my trench.
The road was OK, that's because it had 4 inches of fresh on it. The snow was OK,4 to 12 inches of fresh. But, there's a very hard base underneath most of it. The sun came out several times. The parking lot was bulging with rigs, but at least the Trinities riders know how to park. Groomer didn't look like it had moved.
But, I had one of the best days of riding I ever had. We found BMWMS's secret powder stash, bottomless powder, not a single track. Carve, Carve, Carve. Even though everyone was at the Trinities, I didn't see any other sleds all day. I could hear someone on a 4 stroke though.
I talked to a couple people in the parking lot. You recognize my hunk of junk?