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Bury Me With My Sled Playhouse...Trinities

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Nov 8, 2003
Snowville WY
76fomoco, why does your sled sound like a lumber jack convention?[/QUOTE]

I like the sound of that well tuned Stihl model ac
usually the lowest on fuel at the end of the day due to making path for all
the other powered chains ;)

Nice vid cuts! and the conditions did not suck all that bad:beer;.
Nov 26, 2007
meridian idaho
Hey wade all I remember is patriot bowl, hot dog hill and let's go to the next bowl. Not necessarily in that order. I know we took the trail out of trinity creek to the warming hut and jumped off trail there. Saw what looked like forest service cabins @ one point. I wish we had more snow. I would love to go back up there and explore some more. Maybe a summer project.
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Nov 27, 2007
Sunday ride

I went for a ride with BMWMS and his boys (Jerrid 11) and (Joseph 9) we all had a great day with lot's of fun and adventure started out at the trinitie creek parking lot rode the trail up to our 2nd short cut ridge took the boys up the ridge with no problems (great job boys:D:D)

Then we headed over to the forest service cabins where the boys got some time doing lots of hill climbing from there we went to little roaring where jerrid pulled of a killer climb on his dads 800 doo. Joseph pulled some great hills to say the least. at age 11 and 9 they seem to be puling away from the normal riders (IMO) all in all we had a 65 mile ride and it was one of the better days i have had this year.

The boys with dad

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Dec 5, 2007
Boise ID
ya SWIM that sucks you couldn't make it! :cool: the ride was fun and it would was an area where the amigo could have gotten into trouble. didn't want to push it too hard without at least one more guy to help lift that dead cat out... you know how heavy "stock" sleds can be. hahaha

MOCO i love the vid thing. have to work on that next time so i can be famous. I was actually laughing out loud at work when you did your classic "hollywood turn" and stuck it! i can't count the number of times I've seen that in person and thing " haha haha ... oh **** not again." hahaha

EYES: you need to come with us to the trinities but don't go with MOCO alone. he will make you do things you dont' want to... not that! i mean climb stuff that normal people would wave off on. i'm also a little concerned he would lose you out there and we like ya little buddy. :) wait till i get back.

hugs and kisses to all,

Nov 26, 2007
meridian idaho
EYES: you need to come with us to the trinities but don't go with MOCO alone. he will make you do things you dont' want to... not that! i mean climb stuff that normal people would wave off on. i'm also a little concerned he would lose you out there and we like ya little buddy. :) wait till i get back. [Quote\]

Hey, sorry we missed you and the ride Sat. I saw MOCO leaving Sat. morning but his STOCK f250 left my poor little f150 in the dust. Don't worry about me going to the trinities alone with MOCO. I already have a job were someone tells me what to do and I have to lift heavy things. Besides from what I hear that's all he does for work anyways is tell people what to do. And of course there is the problem of being left behind. I know there is no way I could keep up with his STOCK sled with chainsaw sound effects.:D

Sorry guys gotta get back to class. Waldo out!!!


Nov 27, 2007
Hey James and Fred, looks like fun running the boys through tree hole to limb
duck manuvers! :)[/QUOTE

Yes the boys did a great job,I have video of them on a impressive hill climb don't know if i will be able to get the vid clip posted i try ed to post it but cant get it up yet it maybe to late because my camera auto deletes off my camera,and i think i needed to upload from the camera to my photo bucket account:(

Russ are yoou going to have time to ride when we come down???? :):)


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2002
Mountain Home, ID
You did Ok

eyeles, I know where the two bottom pictures were taken, but I can't place all others. They must have taken you to the deep backcountry.

I was up there yesterday also. My arm sockets feel like their going to fall off. I guess I did alright, considering I've never been off trail before, guess I should have warned our guides that I don't go off trail. It was very lonely up there, we didn't see anyone else, after we broke off from the main group. Personally, I'd say the snow is about as thin as I've ever seen it in February, we need more bad bad bad.


That would have been good information for you to share before we took you to the "Blue Room". For a rookie, you did ok. ;) Lucky for you the snow set up and there wasn't much "fluff" as I am sure we would have been digging you out all day - newbies make funny little mistakes and get stuck a lot.

Snow is definitely thinner than i've seen it ever at this time of year. :( Sad! It almost pi$$es me off when people say "I'm glad it's gonna be 57 degrees today - I can't wait for spring!" Stupid people - don't they know the state is gonna burn up without water in them thar hills!?

So Wade - if you wanna go again, let us know - we're always happy to show a new guy arorund ;)

:) 2fun


Nov 8, 2003
Snowville WY
concreteman Russ are you going to have time to ride when we come down???? :):)[/QUOTE said:
I think its referred to as coming up^^^^ :D The flat land around here starts at 6,200'.
I have to make it through the annual Afton hillclimb best fan club ride this weekend first, years past have had some great trail story mishaps:beer; in just the 14 miles over and back again trips. Taking my boys again this year though so dad will be on best behavior. Now the two little spud heads:devil: could have different plans,
We will be ready to ride when you get here:cool:

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Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id

That would have been good information for you to share before we took you to the "Blue Room". For a rookie, you did ok. ;) Lucky for you the snow set up and there wasn't much "fluff" as I am sure we would have been digging you out all day - newbies make funny little mistakes and get stuck a lot.

Snow is definitely thinner than i've seen it ever at this time of year. :( Sad! It almost pi$$es me off when people say "I'm glad it's gonna be 57 degrees today - I can't wait for spring!" Stupid people - don't they know the state is gonna burn up without water in them thar hills!?

So Wade - if you wanna go again, let us know - we're always happy to show a new guy arorund ;)

:) 2fun

Yha, I did alright, just keep my eyes closed the whole time. I learned a few cool things, like don't follow the trencher. Don't stop in front of 2fun, or she'll pass you, lay it over on it's side and bury you. Lonnie can defy gravity. Don't be last too climb the only way out. And, the Blue Room is private property. :)




Nov 27, 2007
Yha, I did alright, just keep my eyes closed the whole time. I learned a few cool things, like don't follow the trencher. Don't stop in front of 2fun, or she'll pass you, lay it over on it's side and bury you. Lonnie can defy gravity. Don't be last too climb the only way out. And, the Blue Room is private property. :)



What no tracks over that hill only foot prints whats up with that :D:D
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Anyone lose a shovel handle, up on the Trinities?

The road (Trinity Creek) was about as bad as I've seen it in 6 years. Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump

Ouch, my back.

Snow was pretty good. But, has settled fast, we pretty much could go anywhere we wanted.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
Nampa, Idaho
it was way bad on friday, i can't even think about the ride down on sat!
so we went to bearvalley on sat and the trail had a total of 6 bumps in it.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
it was way bad on friday, i can't even think about the ride down on sat!
so we went to bearvalley on sat and the trail had a total of 6 bumps in it.

We had a guy with us, that was up there Friday. He said it was twice as bad. My headlights lite the trees, then the ground 2 feet in front of tme, the whole way down. One sled burst two front shocks.

But, hey thanks fomoco, for not carving it all up. We found lots of untouched.
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