After reading through this thread I can't believe how many people just sit back and accept these problems year after year and come back with the excuse of "Oh, it's a new engine" and "It's a new a chassis" "They're still working the kinks out." Are you guys listening to yourselves? You might as well knock on BRPs door and tell them that it's okay to come out with less than superior products and it's okay to figure it out in the next few years, ya know, whenever ya have enough time!
If the engine is not ready, don't release it. If the chassis hasn't been tested, don't release it. Yes, it is a war between all manufacturers to have the best sled out there but if we keep accepting the problems they bring, we will keep seeing early release "state-of-the-art" ,unproven, untested products.
As far as quality products go I will agree with the Yami guys that for what they are, Yami has done a good job with fit and finish and quality control. Their product just doesn't fit my riding preference. Everyone should ask themeselves this though. "How can Yamaha offer a sled, similar in price to the XP, with an engine that has far more engineering and expensive components involved and Ski-Doo (Rotax) keeps disappointing us with subpar engineering?" I'm not saying the XP chassis design doesn't have great engineering but what can a consumer really expect from a company that can't even build a decent handwarmer?
We had these same discussions last year about our 07 Summits. Lots of issues-no fixes from Doo. In the spring the proto XP's flopped in many cases resulting in early cancellation of some demo rides. The McCall, ID Demo blew a belt in 15 miles & 2 engines in less than a week. That did it for me.
Then BRP having seen the groundswell of negativity made a post on DooTalk that they were aware of the problems, it was a proto & that the XP would be fixed for 08. That kind of BS statement should have some reaction from Doo customer base but I guess it's only normal to stick up for your ride.
Summit Boy may lack tact but he owns the sled & has a lot of good points. Until the *****ing hurts the bottom line nothing will change.
JROD you have nailed it. There is strength in numbers but a lot of apathy & denial here. I see many of the same names that owned problem 07's bought XP's & are getting hosed again. WHY??? There are some good alternatives.