I am gonna chime in here...last year I bought a 2011 pro rmk 163..as did two good friends..in fact one friend bought his from the same dealer and in fact they are consecutive serial numbers..about as equal as you will ever get off an assembly line..both friends broke theirs in differently then I did mine..one rides pretty hard..but keeps the throttle moving and tries not to be abusive...the other..broke his in by a nice long trail ride..never going over 1/2 throttle for the first 30 miles...me..well I checked mine over in the shop..made sure everything looked good, washed the belts and clutches..checked alignment, belt deflection and all that stuff..topped off the chaincase since it was a touch low..checked track tension...got the track in the air and preceded to hot cylce it by firing it up and keeping the rpms constantly moving up and down till the temp guage hit 150 ..shut it off and let it cool ..next nite repeated the same in the air run...next weekend..took it out to a local riding area..fired it up unloaded it off the trailer and let it run till it hit 120 ..shut it off got dressed and refired it..let it warm back up to 120 and took off..I constantly varied the throttle/rpms for the first 30 miles and always have the temp guage displayed......and that includes hitting full throttle repeatedly but instantly getting off it too..as each mile elapsed I would extend the time it was full throttle by a sec or so...at the end of the first 5 miles i stopped and opened both sides and looked for leaks, melting, hot clutches...anythiing abnormal..let cool for 10-15 minutes..then rewarm it up to 120 and off again..this was repeated again at the 15 and 25 mile marks...by the end of 30 miles I would hold it wide open on climbs for 1-2 full minutes at a time...oddly both of my buddies sleds just dont seem to run quite as good as mine does.....neither will pull 68 gram weights at2500 feet with stock clutching(both run 66;s to get 8000-8100), neither pulls as hard either..I contribute that to the difference in break in...I think running them hard without being abusive(constant one throttle position/running too hot, running constant full throttle or idle)is very important to a good running motor..and if done right I think it shows for the life of the motor...I know first ride this season..sled ran just flawless..2500 ft + elevations..68 gram mtx's with 2 grams in the belly 1 gram in the tips....turning 8100 rpm...44 to 49 mph trackspeed in good deep snow and just super crisp....hope this helps someone...