Character, Morals and truly want posterity of america. has nothing to do with dems or repubs...If that were the case we wouldblt be fight about Red states or Blue states.
You can't accept much character or morals as long as America is a "melting pot" of foriegners who left there foriegn country with a no morals & no character and to only prosper OFF the USA by any means they know how......America has be SOLD OUT by democrat and republican policy makers.
And as for OBAMA he is a puppet for the democrat army. If you just landed on the USA you might think Bill Clinton is running again for office.
Obama talks the talk but has yet to be tested if he can walk the walk.
You can not INCREASE NATIONAL DEBT and CUT TAX. The USA is in huge debt and every tax payer in america will be paying for it.....Who's going to be paying for the phugging BAIL OUT that just occured 2 weels ago ???? .....
By the way every democrat & republican policy maker screwed every US Citizen.
well said and i totally agree!