If we don't have a stock fit (WE NOW HAVE 24 INDEPENDANT MODELS) we can custom make you a set right to your specs. You can add scallops or custom lettered engraving or anything that you would like. Costs depend on amount of bends and metal cut time but you can calculate it off of our standard parts at www.snowmobilebetterboards.com.
Do this...
Email me your footbed width (rob@snowmobilebetterboards.com) at the front and then about 19" back...I'll compare it to our database of designs and we can see if we have a stock model that fits. Then you can swing by the shop and we can fit or mock up some custom boards for you. You are lucky to reside in the same town as the number one running board insert manufacturer in the world!
Sure anytime...we make and ship boards each and every day all over the world. Load your sled up and bring it down to the factory and we can fit some up for you when you are ready. Call me when you get set and we can check it out.
hay i need to know how much the boards will be with no custom design or powdercoating and me bringing the sled in. i appreciate you helping me out with this thanks.
We have all price ranges depending on make and model. Pricing is structured for amount of metal, cut time, finish, and bends. You can click on the Better Boards logo box to the right of every message or on this link and see the pricing structure. Min $140 max $235 and I think yours will compare in price to Gen II if you want scallops and Edge if you don't. Hope this helps..call us next week and we'll check out your sled and get you going.
Just a heads up guys, I signed up to snowmobiles better boards web site and tried to order a set of boards and the shipping info would not take all required info needed and the ADD TO CART button didn't work so i could not check out. I left rob a message so we will see how long before we can order on-line again.