People the matter at hand is not an issue of anyone backing out. I pulled the plug on this very limited non profitable and potentially negative project because I have a highly successful aftermarket parts business with a known successful product line that works and has proven to sell. The posted responses make it clear that the risk associated with these two models is much higher then any benefit that they will ever provide. Especially as it was a non profit time consuming favor since things are going so well for our company.
Manufacturing business lesson to help enlighten everyone:
If this was a situation of a viable production run model then we would do it conventionally were we design, prototype, install, test (normally redesign, reprototype, re-install, retest) and then then manufacture for marketing. Not only do you require the facility and ability to do this but you also require a risk free donor sled for each sample. You the consumer can research the results of this process and then make your purchasing decision. Because of the fact that these two products are so limited this was a situation where you consumers were going to have to trust my experience in design and obviously many do not. I extensively researched this and the facts are that we don't feel like it is viable even in a perfect state of design and function. Unfortunately experience warns me that this is not the situation either marketing or by design. If there is a failure in anyone of those areas it is wise to not be involved.
These two designs have inherent issues that prohibit production in the form that you people are expecting. Please remember that I've personally performed the expensive and exhausting process of design, installation, and testing nine seperate individual products that I have sold over a thousand units on this season alone. We have install and ride time with hundreds of hours invested in testing. Having personally done all of that work {remember I designed them, install them, and USE them daily} I can see issues with the process on these two models that prohibit bringing them on line in the fashion that you people are expecting. Furthermore I am not going to risk my business or my reputation putting out a product that has this many potential pitfalls for either function of installation. Because of the design factory wishbone support (rolling structural support) and the use of multiple blind expanding rivets we cannot functionally produce a product that can be installed without sacreficing strength of the running board and integrity of the existing tunnel, while performing the expected benefit of added traction and ease of snow removal over the existing factory running board.
I am by no means being a smart elic here guys. I welcome any one or all of you to step up and get involved if you feel it would be viable.
If one entity will make a minimum order of 30 units, prepaid, and shipped to one location I'll manage production, packaging, and delivery for you. Our experience shows 30 units at 34% NET/NET profit is the front end break even point on any one design. Keep in mind that is with our in place brand and marketing tools so your experience might vary wildly (just ask the other five or six entities that are attempting to compete with similar products). It would be your design with your exact specifications, THAT YOU WOULD PROVIDE ME WITH, and you would own the exclusive rights to that design. You get the advantage of my manufacturing experience as well as the use of our facilities. This is not a group buy this is YOUR own product and you assume totally the potential risks involved herein.
Also note that if you would like to buy my very successful company lock stock and barrel I would enjoy nothing more then going back to being paid to ride your products. I can also have more fun picking on dumb people like the good old days of snowest. This being handcuffed with politically correct-ed-ness all of the time is nearly killing me!
Standard price for US manufacturing and service industries of 10 times earnings. Let's make a deal!