So to understand ... Those 2% people need to be taxed MORE. Of all tax from people 100% how much do they pay? The top 2% pay waht percent of all income taxes do they pay now today? Do you think it is 2% and the rest of the population pay 98% ?
Another issue, as president Mr. Clinton put a luxury tax a larger expensive boats ... yachts. Do you think that was fair? Do you think more taxes were generated?
Oh and for those of you who know so much about California ... Mitt Romney lives in California.
Let me answer some of this so you all can comment as to how
You make boat .. a special type of yacht costing $100,000 before all the goodies. Built purely for entertainment and would be very impractical for commercial use like fishing / diving / salvage etc.
Now before it is even sold the government adds a 20% luxury tax costing $20,000 PLUS the registration fees to use it in any public waterway is an extra $300 a year.
Great deal right? Rich people get the boat and extra taxes go to the government.
RICH person is now approached by BUBBA BOATING based in the Bahamas. Same boat built outside the country, no taxes at all, registration fee is $10. Plus the bahamas hire a tax attorney and have read the tax code and you can buy the boat and expense it to a business if you have a meeting on it once a year or claim it is for lease and depreciate it off you taxes.
So say let them go to the Bahamas.
USA Harbor losses slip fees
USA Diver Boat losses business
USA local dive shop losses business
USA Canvaser shop losses business
USA gas station shop losses business
USA food store shop losses business
USA Company making the boat losses business
USA Cable company / water / wastewater shop losses business
USA Company that made the boat here and now losses business to builder in Bahamas
Lays of fabricators, diemakers, buys less fiberglass, motors, grease, line makers, truck drivers.
USA hardware store sells less lumber
USA restuarant sells less food
USA trucker ships less cargo
Which in case ripples thru the community to the guy with the homeless sign on the street cause the boat company down the street just layed off 400 people making boats for rich people.
How does the homeless guy with the sign get less ... cause there is less traffic and less money in the economy ... at least the 400 people building the boats and the "rich people" no longer drive by for the chance to give him $$$.
Maybe they can add a luxury tax on another uncommon item .... hmmm what could they tax most don't use in the USA except maybe Alaska?
One of the Billionaires of Facebook left the USA and became a citizen of Singapore cause selling stock in Singapore has no capital gains tax. he saved 400 million by leaving ... probably bought a private jet (IN SINGAPORE !) and now travels everywhere to have a good time. After he runs out of his 400 million in savings MAYBE he will come back and spend some of the other 600 million to contribute to the US economy.
I'm trying to get some feedback here ... with instant communication ANYWHERE in the world created competition and substitutes for everything inclusing heavily taxed luxury items, places to live, places to keep the toys
As a free country you can take your money and go anywhere.
Added 7 December. This example did in fact happen. (names / countries ficticious)
Bill Clinton and a democratic congress added a 10% luxury on boats priced above $100,000.
The tax lasted from 1990 to 1993 and boat sales cut more than half. They were gonna tax "luxury jets" costing over $250,000 but was cancelled from union lobbying efforts.
Employment directly in this industry was 600,000 in 1989 and was under 400,000 by 1993.
30% of the labor force GONE !
Before the law passed an average (seasonally adjusted) of 650 boats sold per month. After the law NOT ONE BOAT SOLD FOR 4 MONTHS until they figuired how to recoup the tax.
The main reason new boats sold after the law was to corporations who could use it as a decreciating asset to reduce taxes. Even before the bill passed in 1990 the US Treasury Department acknowledged in a report to congress the 10 percent luxury tax on boats will not produce tax revenues to help solve the budget crisis.
In reality the yacht luxury tax revenue did not replace the income tax revenue lost by unemployed workers and bankrupt yacht manufacturers.
The competitive advantage of the USA was reduced and shipbuilders in Europe replaced the boat building from the downsizing of America.
As recent as the oil spill in the Gulf the US leased oil skimming boats from Europe cause we don't buld them anymore!
A republican congressman from Florida presented a bill to repeal the tax and passed late in 1993 when the Demoncrats lost control of congress.