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AMDS... have they screwed you too?


Winter Project

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
Anchorage / Gwood
I use AMDS

I use AMDS and have had good experiences... for the most part. Although, I will occasionally call CC in ER, and for some reason it seems if AMDS doesn't have it in stock and NEED it that day.... CC has random parts in stock.

And I agree with whoever said they look up their own parts. Here is a great site to look up parts:


And in the event you don't wanna deal with AMDS or Team CC, you can order any part from their site... fairly decent shipping considering you are ordering from a company based in Muskegon, MI.

I blew out the crankcase of my 06 Renegade with 200 miles... took almost 4 weeks to get it back, but it got covered so i just dealt with it.

I say be patient and walk in guarded with your own part numbers if you think the parts person is incompetent. And be nosy, look at their illustrated parts catalog with them. As for the guy who wasn't notified their part was backordered... i feel for ya, especially since you work on the slope. In the end... **** happens tho.


Nov 28, 2007
Heres the deal..

As a customer its your right to spend your money where you want to.

You dont like the service your getting its your right to choose where the hell you want to spend your money.

If people dont like it, F$%K THEM-- Its our money. And that goes for EVERY place I spend my money.

The whole little Arguement for who is as fault is BS-- If your tired of the service your getting, no matter where that place is, then spend your money somewhere you will at least be able to feel good about.

As I have said before, If I am getting screwed, at least smile at me and let me feel like like I am getting a deal. Customer Service goes a long way, so does a smile.
Mar 6, 2008
As far as the actual topic of discussion here...

I have not had much bad luck with the sales department at AMDS, if it wasnt for their professional sales staff, I would be on a Poo now. They almost literally bent over backwards to get me on my Skidoo, the salesperson even came in on his day off to pull the one off the showroom and finish the assembly on it so I could ride the next day.

When it comes to parts, this is another story. If you tell them your opinion and tell them you will not buy their parts anymore and will go to the competition you will be asked to leave the store in not very nice words.

I am John Q Customer and I work hard for my money. If John Q Partsguy cares about his money or how hard he works for it, he should care where I spend mine. Spending cumulative hours on hold trying to find out if they have a part sucks. Spending even more time standing in line to get the part sucks too. Especially when they are obviously not doing anything more than BSing. Having spend my own fair time in the trenches, I know BSing when I see it. Im rather good at it myself.

Pricing is another subject, but I understand their unwillingness to budge. Its frustrating when I see someone walk up and receive a discount on parts on a CASH ticket showing no racer card or business account or anything and I after buying all my parts there for years get crap. That being said, I know their paycheck is based off of commission and as stated, I understand. But its still frustrating.
*sorry for the long post*

I had a buddy that bought a new XP last season. He was told he would not be able to pick it up for three to five days depending how busy they were. That evening, I ran into another friend of mine and told him our dilemma. One quick phone call to an Upper-up and his sled was ready for pickup the next day. Its nice having people to call that know people, but the industry is not run by folks that "know somebody"
For every person that has that magic number in their cell, there is ten more that dont have that number that are just as willing to spend their hard earned money there that wont because they dont get treated as professionally as someone else. It only takes once to burn a potential lifelong customer into someone that will never ever again patronize a business. And that lost customer will do nothing but tell every person they know about the sh!tty time they had at AMDS.

This thread has had close to two thousand views. I guarantee some of those folks live and spend their money right here in Anchorage.


Nov 21, 2007
Just now read the whole thing, seems like some upset people.

Nobody is perfect and we all mess up at something, some more than others.

For one, its impossible to stock every part for every machine from that manufacturer and their rigs, it would take a huge warehouse to come close so not practical.

Two, any one person cant be expected to know every part for every sled, bike wheeler, boat motor, whatever. Again, not practical.

I dont do alot of dealings with amds or do i plan to but i will say that customer service should be a top priority at any dealer and it seems to be lacking at alot of dealers in alaska like many have said. Its unfortunate but its a reality we live in and im not sure a thread on snowest will change anything but give people a place to vent. I might be wrong but who knows.

Winter Project

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
Anchorage / Gwood
I stuck up for them a bit earlier in this thread... right before i wrote that i ordered a rail for my renegade... went almost two weeks with no call that it had arrived so i wrote it off as an oversight... called to find out and the guy said he didn't have a record of me ordering the part. Thats a first for me, lucky we were in the middle of that cold snap or i would've been more than a little chapped. Its not like challenging him to a duel would've solved anything. I have my fingers crossed that it will arrive thursday so i can fix my sled and be out Friday.

Part or no part i'm going to sell my skidoo now and buy a yamaha - i've had a good experience there ordering R6 parts from Drew...

Ok i made that last part up... well the part about me selling my sell(no one would buy it anyways....) :beer;
Last edited:
Nov 28, 2007
Homer, Alaska

I've been following this and it is really a crack up...

Here's my .02 cents: "Customer is Always Right"

Seriously, if you're taking our money, you're in the customer service business...

Get with the program.


Jan 1, 2009
I've been following this and it is really a crack up...

Here's my .02 cents: "Customer is Always Right"

Seriously, if you're taking our money, you're in the customer service business...

Get with the program.

Kiss my ***....the customer is NOT always right......do I have to take your money? Hell no, I can tell you to get out and go elsewhere. Had a customer just like you who thought he was always right....Guess what? He now has to buy all his parts out of state because no one IN STATE will deal with him anymore.
But, I do give them the benefit of the doubt.....
Dec 1, 2007
Girdwood, Alaska
Kiss my ***....the customer is NOT always right......do I have to take your money? Hell no, I can tell you to get out and go elsewhere. Had a customer just like you who thought he was always right....Guess what? He now has to buy all his parts out of state because no one IN STATE will deal with him anymore.
But, I do give them the benefit of the doubt.....

Do you ever roundhouse kick people from behind the counter?


Jan 1, 2009
Just now read the whole thing, seems like some upset people.

Nobody is perfect and we all mess up at something, some more than others.

For one, its impossible to stock every part for every machine from that manufacturer and their rigs, it would take a huge warehouse to come close so not practical.

Two, any one person cant be expected to know every part for every sled, bike wheeler, boat motor, whatever. Again, not practical.

I dont do alot of dealings with amds or do i plan to but i will say that customer service should be a top priority at any dealer and it seems to be lacking at alot of dealers in alaska like many have said. Its unfortunate but its a reality we live in and im not sure a thread on snowest will change anything but give people a place to vent. I might be wrong but who knows.

Why thank you for that statement and I agree!!!!
I also agree that customer service should be priority ONE! But the customer should also understand I do not control the manufactuerer, airlines, fed ex, ups or the mail service, I also do not control the entire national trucking industry.
I do control my employees and the ordering. .....if any is that is screwed up then shame on me and fire away.
Dec 2, 2008
I liked the question Gutter asked. But I think it would be easier to JUTO CHOP someone, those counters are kinda tall.. Anyway....
Dec 5, 2007
Wasilla Alaska
Yeh , What the hell is with the pricing. Not like we bought our sleds on a super discount. So when you come in for parts lube up cause somebody's bending you over. :eek: Team CC better service and cheaper parts. But service dept I can't say the same for.


Apr 11, 2008
Yeh , What the hell is with the pricing. Not like we bought our sleds on a super discount. So when you come in for parts lube up cause somebody's bending you over. :eek: Team CC better service and cheaper parts. But service dept I can't say the same for.

Ok, I wasn't going to ask this but your comment pushed me to..

Why is it that:

You walk into a dealer and they have bib's hanging everywhere, with dust on them and a price tag of $300.00. Obviously, they haven't been selling because of the dust and different styles from previous years that haven't sold either. So, you tell the guy that you would like to by a pair but not for $300.00 which is $75.00 OVER list price. Of course you get the you have a third eye in the middle of your forehead look and out the door you go empty handed. In the meantime you go home, Google the bibs, find them for $175.00 with $25.00 shipping.

You can't tell me its all shipping so don't even try. Any takers on this one?

Wouldn't it make sense to sell more bibs and make 30% than hold onto them until they have dust sell a couple and make %100?

Hell, I went to look for a new track and the guy just handed me a Cat Book. Told me add 10% on the LIST plus shipping. WTF? The end result on this one was a Craigslist deal for $225.00 track. Worse case I could have got one online for several HUNDRED cheaper than the dealer. I just don't get it.

Maybe YaJustNeverKnow can help me out without round housing me from behind the keyboard :D


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Los Anchorage, AK
Why thank you for that statement and I agree!!!!
I also agree that customer service should be priority ONE! But the customer should also understand I do not control the manufactuerer, airlines, fed ex, ups or the mail service, I also do not control the entire national trucking industry.
I do control my employees and the ordering. .....if any is that is screwed up then shame on me and fire away.

hes one for ya , if you go out to eat and get ****ty food with excellent service , do you tip the waitress? ofcorse you do its not her job to cook your food, same when you feel like youve been waiting more then long enuf and she comes out and says your order is almost ready just a couple more minutes , i got no problem with shipping issues but i also feel its that parts guy should call me and say hey heres the scoop same when the part gets in , i dont normally call and hound them when i order parts if everyone did that parts guy would be on the phone all day long getting nothing done ,

but CALL me when there in really is that to much to ask ?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
hes one for ya , if you go out to eat and get ****ty food with excellent service , do you tip the waitress? ofcorse you do its not her job to cook your food, same when you feel like youve been waiting more then long enuf and she comes out and says your order is almost ready just a couple more minutes , i got no problem with shipping issues but i also feel its that parts guy should call me and say hey heres the scoop same when the part gets in , i dont normally call and hound them when i order parts if everyone did that parts guy would be on the phone all day long getting nothing done ,

but CALL me when there in really is that to much to ask ?

AND MAKE SURE TO CALL ME WHEN YOU FIND OUT IT IS ON BACKORDER so I can call around and find parts elsewhere to get back up and running! Any dealer worth a dammm would understand this and not hold it against you. I understand it is not your fault you cant get my part, and I am very thankful for your call, but you have to understand why we would go elsewhere at that point.
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