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850 gone down already??


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
At least big ten has stated he used to ride pi, and had problems (I think) so he's not hiding his grudge.- CLEARLY. But I agree, this thread is full of cat guys bitching and stirring the pot. If u go to the cat forums, nobody is there so they have nothing to fill their empty days with.
Big10, d1100t, catdieselpower. Dear God, they are in a boy band. "screw polaris, cat is god, you are all stupid, go indydan" is their literal song. They could've made an album by now as many times as I've heard it.
If you dont believe me, go back through this thread and every other one on the axys forum

Agreed. They need to somewhere else and spew their hatred for Polaris. Their posts are absolutely worthless!! One of these three “bully boys” makes a post then they all “thank” each other or give “thumbs up” like a round of high fives on the middle school playground after bullying other kids. There MUST be somewhere else you can ALL go play where your posts might at least have a slim chance of being helpful . . .?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
Agreed. They need to somewhere else and spew their hatred for Polaris. Their posts are absolutely worthless!! One of these three “bully boys” makes a post then they all “thank” each other or give “thumbs up” like a round of high fives on the middle school playground after bullying other kids. There MUST be somewhere else you can ALL go play where your posts might at least have a slim chance of being helpful . . .?

Well Timber.... you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.

There will never be a tech thread on any forum about a car,truck,dirt bike, UTV, or anything else that makes everyone happy.

Sure some would ejactulate if there were just 200 experts in the exact field mentioned that sit on the fourm and fill the fews quota with expert info so those few now suddenly know alot about some that just days before they didn't know **** about it..... It takes time in service to know what i know about a 2 stroke motor.... you learn it here from me for free. ( almost free ) thank God Snowest charges people to be here..... If they didn't i wouldn't be here.

I am NOT into FREE....... or Socialisim........everyone doesn't get a Trophy in my world. ( second place is the first guy to lose )

Bottom line is this.......what gives the masses reason to keep revisiting a thread over and over and over and over.........is there is something there for MANY. and I got news for you I enjoy the up and downs and the roller coarst things that happen when many are involved.

Be it Cat guys, Ski Doo guys, or Yamaha guys.......I was a MotoSki/ Ski Doo guy as a kid... then full blowen Yamaha SRX in the late seventies to early 80's.

Then in 1984 full blowen polaris - ( God love the triple ) ..........then in 1995 went FULL Blowen Thunder Cat for several years... then back to Polaris ...Not trying to be an arogant a$$ but this thread wouldn't be all that interesting if it wasn't for ( Past Cat, Doo, & Yamaha Guys. )

I Doo alot of Ski Doo motor work in this shop, and Cat motor work.... and a fair amount of Yamaha motor work.

So people that would like to taylor this thread to be exactly what they wish it could be for just them......Can go stick their heads in their own a$$ of all i care.

I am here because i have enjoyed it .... and I am a Polaris Goon thru and thru.

If we lose all the varity i will be gone.

And what my shop will have to offer for the Polaris 850 owners in the next 6 months and many years to come will be off the charts in the depenability area from what Polaris will ever be able to offer.

my 2 cents.

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Well-known member
Premium Member
Jun 23, 2011
NW Montana
Totally agree big10 and the other poo haters need to move on, you don't ride Polaris anymore and we get that you had a bad experience with Polaris. This thread is of interest to those of us with 850's and the knowledge we may get about the 850 on this thread. Most of us riding Polaris have had a better experience with Polaris than you....obviously or we would be riding cat or doo which many of us used to.
Our two 850's are both flawless, so far and I will post the good and bad about the 850 as the season goes on including any witnessed failures in our travels riding the Western US and BC.
Cheers and enjoy those deep pow days in the mountains, life is too short to be
Petty and bitter...trying to rain on others party....move on boys!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
Dan, if you're building up that much (which would be awesome), you should come out with your own line of motors! Yeah, I know, that's probably not commercially viable for anything short of a major corporation, but a man can dream! I'm also disappointed, but not surprised, that Polaris is moving towards a unitized, controlled approach to parts. It's not surprising because a five-year-old sled is worth less than half it's purchase price (and that's if it's been kept up and probably had a couple thousand dollars put into it since new). That's one that's probably still got good parts availability, by the way. As sleds get more powerful and complex, you either have to raise prices or cut corners and service-life engineer every nut and bolt – same as with cars – and guess which one is easier to sell? I, for one, would rather spend a couple thousand extra for a sled with twice the service life (and I'm pretty sure I'm in the ballpark with those numbers), but for most of the market it's the opposite. People already buy things solely because they're new, so product life cycles keep shortening. Anyway, I'm glad someone is investing in something that'll help people like me keep my stuff going whether the OEM likes it or not!

I would love to move the shop to the mountians..... and I would make that move. But i have a some really good employees here that just can't make that move so i just have to do it all here.

You are spot on with the points you made.

Life cycle of product nows days can be very short.......and resale truely sufferes.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2011
Saskatchewan Canada
Hurt feelings

At least big ten has stated he used to ride pi, and had problems (I think) so he's not hiding his grudge.- CLEARLY. But I agree, this thread is full of cat guys bitching and stirring the pot. If u go to the cat forums, nobody is there so they have nothing to fill their empty days with.
Big10, d1100t, catdieselpower. Dear God, they are in a boy band. "screw polaris, cat is god, you are all stupid, go indydan" is their literal song. They could've made an album by now as many times as I've heard it.
If you dont believe me, go back through this thread and every other one on the axys forum

Boy you guys are so soft!
You need some history from my area and how it's changed??
It used to be mostly Polaris sleds around here. The local Polaris dealer used to sell a **** ton of new sleds ever year. I used to buy my Polaris sleds from this dealer. When I traded my last Polaris sled on my first Cat I said I wouldnt be back till they made things more reliable. Guess what? They haven't. Sad but true. Things went bad for my dealer in 2005 with the 900 problems. Got way worse in 2008 with the 800 problems. Still engine problems with the 2011-2012 sleds. And because of all that and there still being problems with new sleds in the last 3-4 years my local dealer (who is a friend of mine because we used to work together) Sells less than 10 new Polaris sleds (he only sold two 850's) a year, gets very few snochecks in a town that has snow 5-6 months a year!! He's told me he wishes he wouldn't thave bought the dealer ship from the previous owner and is just getting by selling Honda quads, side by sides and boats.
Most have jumped ship and went to skidoo, that town is full of skidoos all winter and there's no skidoo dealer there. Closest doo, cat or Yamaha dealer to that town is a 1.5-2 hour drive. People are willing to drive that far to get a more reliable sled. And don't blaim the dealer. It's not his fault the motors and wire harness in these sleds are causing so much trouble. It's how they were deigned/built that's the problem.

That's the facts from my area.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings!!
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 5, 2010
Don’t feed the trolls.

It’s that simple.

Here’s a hint (I don’t even see their posts unless someone quotes them)

And quoting a troll is the best way to feed one.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 8, 2010
Boy you guys are so soft!
You need some history from my area and how it's changed??
It used to be mostly Polaris sleds around here. The local Polaris dealer used to sell a **** ton of new sleds ever year. I used to buy my Polaris sleds from this dealer. When I traded my last Polaris sled on my first Cat I said I wouldnt be back till they made things more reliable. Guess what? They haven't. Sad but true. Things went bad for my dealer in 2005 with the 900 problems. Got way worse in 2008 with the 800 problems. Still engine problems with the 2011-2012 sleds. And because of all that and there still being problems with new sleds in the last 3-4 years my local dealer (who is a friend of mine because we used to work together) Sells less than 10 new Polaris sleds (he only sold two 850's) a year, gets very few snochecks in a town that has snow 5-6 months a year!! He's told me he wishes he wouldn't thave bought the dealer ship from the previous owner and is just getting by selling Honda quads, side by sides and boats.
Most have jumped ship and went to skidoo, that town is full of skidoos all winter and there's no skidoo dealer there. Closest doo, cat or Yamaha dealer to that town is a 1.5-2 hour drive. People are willing to drive that far to get a more reliable sled. And don't blaim the dealer. It's not his fault the motors and wire harness in these sleds are causing so much trouble. It's how they were deigned/built that's the problem.

That's the facts from my area.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings!!
Awesome. Cool. Thank you. Move on.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Jun 23, 2011
NW Montana
Boy you guys are so soft!
You need some history from my area and how it's changed??
It used to be mostly Polaris sleds around here. The local Polaris dealer used to sell a **** ton of new sleds ever year. I used to buy my Polaris sleds from this dealer. When I traded my last Polaris sled on my first Cat I said I wouldnt be back till they made things more reliable. Guess what? They haven't. Sad but true. Things went bad for my dealer in 2005 with the 900 problems. Got way worse in 2008 with the 800 problems. Still engine problems with the 2011-2012 sleds. And because of all that and there still being problems with new sleds in the last 3-4 years my local dealer (who is a friend of mine because we used to work together) Sells less than 10 new Polaris sleds (he only sold two 850's) a year, gets very few snochecks in a town that has snow 5-6 months a year!! He's told me he wishes he wouldn't thave bought the dealer ship from the previous owner and is just getting by selling Honda quads, side by sides and boats.
Most have jumped ship and went to skidoo, that town is full of skidoos all winter and there's no skidoo dealer there. Closest doo, cat or Yamaha dealer to that town is a 1.5-2 hour drive. People are willing to drive that far to get a more reliable sled. And don't blaim the dealer. It's not his fault the motors and wire harness in these sleds are causing so much trouble. It's how they were deigned/built that's the problem.

That's the facts from my area.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings!!

Does not hurt my feelings one bit, just not useful info about the 850. In all my years of riding I've seen and owned all brands that have come out on the end of a rope. Polaris would not sell any mountain sleds if the reliability was as poor as some make it out to be. NONE of us would Mountain ride the areas we do on sleds we can't depend on no matter what brand. Funny thing, thousands of us ride Polaris mountain sleds in deep snow and steep terrain returning home all winter long. Some go down, all brands do and that's a fact. As long as Polaris is selling as many or more Mountain sleds for mountain use you can rest assured
MOST are not having major problems.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2011
Saskatchewan Canada
Does not hurt my feelings one bit, just not useful info about the 850. In all my years of riding I've seen and owned all brands that have come out on the end of a rope. Polaris would not sell any mountain sleds if the reliability was as poor as some make it out to be. NONE of us would Mountain ride the areas we do on sleds we can't depend on no matter what brand. Funny thing, thousands of us ride Polaris mountain sleds in deep snow and steep terrain returning home all winter long. Some go down, all brands do and that's a fact. As long as Polaris is selling as many or more Mountain sleds for mountain use you can rest assured
MOST are not having major problems.

I'm glad your not so easily offended!
The reliability just isn't there for us.
I've pulled more sleds then I'd like to admit to. We gave up 2 times (motors) and the owners payed for helicopter rides. We've also had to leave sleds go get parts and fix them the next day.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 8, 2014
What was the failure rate of the AXYS mtn 800's?

I know early Pro Chassis pioneered the term "fix it kit" but in my experience the 800 HO motor was all but bullet proof. It was incredibly rare for me to see any that went down without tons of miles on them.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 5, 2009
I’m so sorry for bullying you timbre and willyjoe.
I’ve never once said I hated Polaris. 600 RMK is a great sled. RMK is a great chassis. What I am saying is, plenty of the 850’s seem to be having troubles, and some sniveling, DBags on here can’t accept that. So there’s that.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 1, 2010
Who $ucks the least is for the amateurs. Go work for an OEM or two, where the OEM actually pays you and you see behind the curtain, then you can spout off.

Funny thing is, once you get that look, you'll shut up. If you have half a brain you see they all have issues and advantages across their business model. Some very good, some very bad. Same for the people you work with. It's just business then, not religion or your manhood.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 8, 2010
I’m so sorry for bullying you timbre and willyjoe.
I’ve never once said I hated Polaris. 600 RMK is a great sled. RMK is a great chassis. What I am saying is, plenty of the 850’s seem to be having troubles, and some sniveling, DBags on here can’t accept that. So there’s that.

Yeah... ya sniveling Duffle Bags!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 8, 2010
What was the failure rate of the AXYS mtn 800's?

I know early Pro Chassis pioneered the term "fix it kit" but in my experience the 800 HO motor was all but bullet proof. It was incredibly rare for me to see any that went down without tons of miles on them.

Id say there were very few failures for the amount out there... but betting a large percentage had/have rpm issues.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
Donnelly, ID
Totally agree big10 and the other poo haters need to move on, you don't ride Polaris anymore and we get that you had a bad experience with Polaris. This thread is of interest to those of us with 850's and the knowledge we may get about the 850 on this thread. Most of us riding Polaris have had a better experience with Polaris than you....obviously or we would be riding cat or doo which many of us used to.
Our two 850's are both flawless, so far and I will post the good and bad about the 850 as the season goes on including any witnessed failures in our travels riding the Western US and BC.
Cheers and enjoy those deep pow days in the mountains, life is too short to be
Petty and bitter...trying to rain on others party....move on boys!

Dan is the biggest Polaris hater here. There is nothing out of the ordinary along the line of failures on the new 850 over any other sled. Every one I ride with rips with no issues. Anyone want to go for a ride and quit the hatin'?

May 24, 2012
Bearing and Piston Clearances

IndyDan, what was the piston clearance on the 850s you worked on? Bottom of skirt (round measuring area) and near crown if possible.

For the Center Bearings, is it possible the clearance is too little for the way it gets fed the oil mist? Maybe it should be a C5?
Jan 23, 2019
The true tale will be told in the warranty numbers.


Warranty insurers typically base their policies on a set number of expected claims. Is the 850 going over the projections?

There are always going to be a small percentage.

Boat motors are based on about 2%

As a newb... What is typical for a sled?

Find these numbers and it ends the speculation.
Oct 16, 2010
The true tale will be told in the warranty numbers.


Warranty insurers typically base their policies on a set number of expected claims. Is the 850 going over the projections?

There are always going to be a small percentage.

Boat motors are based on about 2%

As a newb... What is typical for a sled?

Find these numbers and it ends the speculation.

Is the 1 or 2% over the life of the warranty? first year?
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