Maybe so but there also has been 10x more Fords sold! it would be different if you were comparing apples to apples...
and that's why they didn't need our TAX $ for BAILOUT!!I could go on and on .. on how Chevy/GMC pulled all there contracts from US company's and continued to us there over seas contracts(China)thru there tough times ect.. but thousands of Americans Lost there jobs because of canceled Contracts!! so I hope you guys ect are enjoying those Chevy/GMC your driving cause your paying for it twice! once thru the dealer and twice thru your TAX$$ Bailout!.for China??
Sorry for the soap box!!
Fords timing was better. They borrowed a ton of money before the banks collapsed and that is why the didn't need the bail out like GM and chrysler. Not to mention the difference in size between GM and Ford. UAW is UAW no matter how you look at it. The demand for Pensions and the pay out to retired autoworkers fueled by a recession and less demand for new vehicles Killed the big three. Now shame on the companies that were dumb enough to agree to these terms with no way to fund them. Living in Michigan it hit pretty close to home. Ford also is global. If not they would not be in business. I know it is sad but it is true for every company. If you don't outsource your paying to much and will not last.