Rode LTS today.
Val and I were the only ones there.
On the way in asphalt patches up to 100 yards long here and there before Webber Lake.
On the ride out even worse-- Almost all asphalt from turnoff for Independence Lake to parking lot.
Past Webber lake interchange fun. Meadow Lake road deep but HEAVY..... So heavy it would jam up the tie- rods in the A arms and lock your steering. If you stopped, it was better to back up a foot or two before taking off, otherwise the snow dam would stop you dead and you would trench to a stuck.
Up at the Drum Spalding turnoff, easily two feet of new snow up there.
It's just a matter of making the first couple of miles without overheating, smoking your hi faxes, or completely killing your carbides--- that part sucks bad.
Val and I were the only ones there.
On the way in asphalt patches up to 100 yards long here and there before Webber Lake.
On the ride out even worse-- Almost all asphalt from turnoff for Independence Lake to parking lot.
Past Webber lake interchange fun. Meadow Lake road deep but HEAVY..... So heavy it would jam up the tie- rods in the A arms and lock your steering. If you stopped, it was better to back up a foot or two before taking off, otherwise the snow dam would stop you dead and you would trench to a stuck.
Up at the Drum Spalding turnoff, easily two feet of new snow up there.
It's just a matter of making the first couple of miles without overheating, smoking your hi faxes, or completely killing your carbides--- that part sucks bad.