Wow 5 engines in one year!!!! when did he have time to ride it? I love my Dragon, 1200 trouble free miles, but I do worry about the engine issues others are having. As a tall guy my sled fits me better than any of the other brands. I like the way Cat is going with the higher seat, adjustable bars and more powerful engine. My son had an 07 Doo Renegade and it was the biggest piece of crap we have ever owned, shredded 3 - $135 belts in 600Km's and was very hard to work on. I have some buddy's with new XP's and they love them, I think they are butt ugly. Most of them have had minimal troubles, so it seems it's the luck of the draw. I'm glad we all have choices in what we want to ride, all brands are much better than a few years ago, to each his own.
You think XPs are ugly
This is what your mountain sled will look like in 2011:

What the hell is that rear end?