Next time I get to my sled which is seven hours away, I am going to take a brake hone to my blowoff valve. I had to do this on my 2011 kit to get it to work. The housing was warped from welding. Then I am going to try a different actuator, then possibly smaller injectors. It is not your TPS, sparkplugs, air box, pipe seals, or exhaust valves. It is something consistent in the kit causing the problem and not a polaris problem. It could be the map. It's not the Bullydog making it run bad. The only problem with the Bullydog is it should not be used as a monitor. It's not waterproof. Plain and simple. If any of these things do not work, it is coming off. My sled does not bog but makes anywhere from 11 to 19psi boost and is pretty much not rideable. The MNTK guys have a good kit, so that says it is a problem with the Silber combination. All kits have issues, but to not help customers directly and drop your problems on a dealer is plain wrong. Wonder how long they will be a dealer? Amen.