Sorry I have not posted for a while guys, Some info updates for you:
some of the reasons for the closures:
-Garbage being left on the mountains and parking lots, it doesn't go away pushing it into the snow. We all can carry it in, why do we have an issue taking it back out with us?
-Cariboo migration, and yes they are there, i have seen them, it is rare to see them though!
-etc etc etc.... and on and on!
- greenies have power now, a lot of them are lawyers and such, high powered officials
-the whole" It hasn't/won't effect me yet" so I won't worry about it for now attitude is what's going to close it for all.
-BCSF knows about it, so does the local snowmobile clubs. We all need to stand up behind them with memberships and backing power.
-And no it is not the dealerships responsibilty to fight this, it is the responsibility of each and everyone of us that are avid snowmobilers, as well as the dealers.
- Albertians, have already seen **** go down such as Kakwa area with restrictions, so they have their own problems as well, but they can definately help us B.C. boys by buying club memberships or BCSF memberships. With these memberships we can all have a voice and the more we can get, the better our chances are. With so many people enjoying our local areas it would be nice to see all those people stand up now and preserve our right to ride in our own country!!
- I have been riding these areas for 22 years, and we have the best riding bar none in my opinion, so please heed my warning and do your part to help out!
-As soon as I have more info I will let you all know, I had a discussion with a figure head in the Fort St John Northland Trailblazers club and they have a member that is going to be heading this up, so I believe the ball has already started rolling, so lets boost it along!
Thanks guys,