These closure's are at least in part from the brains from the enviromental studies group at UNBC they are actively involved at all times along with the ministry of forests. All i could find on the hassler area was the fact that after last years avy's there is a study being done at UNBC on the dangerous avy area's, they are actually going out and mapping these areas. Personally i think they are finding reasons to shut sledders out of wherever they can and to me there is a huge conflict of interest going on here, they are not going in with a open mind towards sledders they just want them gone. Its not only sledders its also helicopters, atv's, ect... so unless you are a artist or photographer or something that they believe wont hurt the natural enviroment you shouldn't be there. For some reason there is a real push to close sledders out maybe we are easy prey i dont know as far as i am concerned we are honest taxpayers and snowmobiling is part of our country's heritage so for any one group of people who probably dont even pay much taxes tell us what we can or cant do is total BS, but its happening everywhere and they have others who support their efforts mostly people who bug the government everyday while we are out working so we can enjoy the fine things our great outdoors has to offer, i would like to hear from the government exactly where they stand on this issue cause while the greens keep making noise and area's are shut down the government is real tight lipped and not saying much of anything. Maybe it is time to make noise because they know that when the snow is gone so are we and they have all winter to build their case, sorry for ranting but this stuff really pisses me off. There is no easy answer to the problems we are facing but i would like to see the government come out and show us wtf is going on here, it dont make sence to me enough land has been taken away for their study's it has to stop here, i may be off but the university is doing lots of studies in the north and the general consensus seems to be keep all forms of motorized users out.