My ASSults top end went down 2 times last year. The second time they ran out of parts and had the sled for 5 weeks. Overall out of the 5 months of riding season the thing was in the shop over 2 months. Now when I stop in to dealer to get update they say they are going to put you on THE LIST, and will call ya when they have time to fix. Yea I have a $hit list too, and Polaris is on it. Then you hear thru the grape vine(the only real truth about whats going on) that they are doing all the leftover dealership sleds first. Great for the dealer, screw the rider. Then you hear of a buddy who is a friend of the dealer saying they are doing his sled next week. This sled has never been down and was not even purchased their. WT$ Now I hear they are getting thin on update kits. I am so frustrated about the whole situation my butt hole can't take anymore. If they run out of parts and tell me mine are on back order, I need to have someone ready to bail me out of Jail. I think I am going to turn in to a tree hugger and just forget about this sport. You can only be screwed so many times before you turn into a bitter slut. You call the Polaris 800 # and get the run around and they turn you back to the dealer. Why do you think I called your stupid 800# lady, because I can not handle the run around from the dealer. The dealer blames Polaris, polaris blames the dealer. Then while your at the dealer they are crying about sales and want you to buy stuff. It is very difficult to buy something else when the last thing you bought is a piece of junk. I have contacted lawyers and their only concern is how much mony they will make, they could give a crap about you. The only thing I have left is threats, like that will do anything and its not the machanics fault. They better not run out of parts on me, thats all I can say. Thanks for letting me vent before my wife kills me over this. Let it snow, let it snow!!