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Your thoughts on the invasion?

Something you won't hear from right wing pundits - Obama deported more illegal immigrants than any President until Trump, earning him the title in some circles of "Deporter-in-Chief."

You may want to do a little research on this, the way Obama categorized illegals resulted in the highest deportation in years and yet had a 26 percent drop in deportations.

He simply counted illegals that were turned around at the border as deported.

This had not been done this way in years.
You may want to do a little research on this, the way Obama categorized illegals resulted in the highest deportation in years and yet had a 26 percent drop in deportations.

He simply counted illegals that were turned around at the border as deported.

This had not been done this way in years.

Hmm. Why does that not surprise me. I'm definitely inclined to believe you. If you don't like the results, change the measuring stick. I know trump's done that on the economy & the medical cartel has done it with vaccine results & disease diagnoses for over 50 years.

Much of the praise lauded on Obama was pretty much just because he was pretty much because he looked different than every US president who came before him. I could understand why he was elected once. I never could figure out how he got in twice though. If Trump gets re-elected, I'll have a similar feeling.
Much of the praise lauded on Obama was pretty much just because he was pretty much because he looked different than every US president who came before him. I could understand why he was elected once. I never could figure out how he got in twice though. If Trump gets re-elected, I'll have a similar feeling.

All you need to do to understand is to visit with business people. The man (Trump) understands what policies are conducive to doing business and which policies restrict business operation.
Couple things I simply cannot comprehend :
How can anyone here without documentation (an illegal) receive benefits?
How can anyone vote without first presenting a valid ID and/or proof of citizenship?

If we could adhere to these two questions, US citizens would be far more willing to welcome immigrants and there would be far less immigrants trying to enter the US. Furthermore, those coming here would be assets, not drains on our economy.
Couple things I simply cannot comprehend :
How can anyone here without documentation (an illegal) receive benefits?
How can anyone vote without first presenting a valid ID and/or proof of citizenship?

If we could adhere to these two questions, US citizens would be far more willing to welcome immigrants and there would be far less immigrants trying to enter the US. Furthermore, those coming here would be assets, not drains on our economy.

Nailed it! We can't get into Canada or Mexico without a passport or valid entry documents presented at a port of entry.
Millions here already that are not vetted and entered without passports and without reporting to a port of entry.
Millions of US citizens including veterans and elderly being neglected, starving, homeless and without proper medical care.
What are our priorities?
Most of us if not all of us on this forum do not oppose legal and well vetted immigration, unfortunately that is NOT what has been happening with the millions who are here unlawfully. Yes, many or most of them are decent human beings trying to better their lives but that does not change the fact that they are not here legally and we really don't know who they are.
The whole thing is about trump not getting a win. Trying to make him look as absolutely bad as possible. I guarantee they all have locks on their doors or live in gated communities. All those Hollywood liberals don't even want to be near those people. All about trump because he is raining on their parade.
The whole thing is about trump not getting a win. Trying to make him look as absolutely bad as possible. I guarantee they all have locks on their doors or live in gated communities. All those Hollywood liberals don't even want to be near those people. All about trump because he is raining on their parade.

You nailed it.

If the democrats were on a plane and Trump was the pilot, the stupid basstards would cheer for him to crash.
That's the level of hatred we are up against with the democrats.
The mother in law only watches CNN and wondered how I knew 75% of the government was funded and she didn't. I told her to watch something else. They are trying to make it sound the worst they can to blame trump for the world coming to an end.
The biggest issue with the current situation, when compared to early 2000s:

In the early 2000s when USBP apprehensions were north of 1 million/year, the vast majority of those apprehensions were Mexican nationals. Once apprehended, they were quickly processed (15 minutes) and returned to Mexico. It wasn't uncommon for the same Mexican national to be arrested by Border Patrol Agents 3-4 times in one day.

Fast forward to current times. BP Agents are apprehending large groups full of family units from Central American countries (El Sal, Hondo, Guate, etc.). Due to Federal regulations, many extra precations must be taken when detaining juveniles. And because all these apprehensions are OTMs (other than Mexicans), it takes 2-4 hours to process ONE alien.

As you can see, the major issue is the sheer amount of manpower it takes to detect, apprehend/arrest, transport, and process these aliens versus Mexican nationals. When the majority of USBP agents are stuck in processing dealing with family units...the real **** bags are able to get through undetected.
Tempest Tost - The Refugee experience through one community's prism

I Narrated this book & while it doesn't directly deal with the southern border situation, it deals with the rhetoric of the day & the things that have turned so many thousands and even millions of people into refugees. There is not a word in it I disagree with. The poem that has been with the statue of Liberty for over a century embraces the ideals that if you ask me have truly Made America Great. This book doesn't gloss over history, but faces what has been creating refugees for hundreds of years & what has created political crises the world over. It puts a human face to it. It is well written, well researched & worth the listen (or the read).

You can purchase it here:

If you would like a free copy to listen to, private message me. I do have a limited number of promo codes I can give out.
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