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Your thoughts on the invasion?

Reading remarks of a bomb expert who was basically saying that these bombs are so amateurish that they look silly.
I haven't heard yet, but has any of the bombs been real?

It's like gramma always said.... "if the puss stinks, it's probably sick"
Everything I've seen and heard sounds like they are more like a movie prop for a bomb. They are a joke as far as bombs go.
If these invaders are escaping such a bad place and hardship, why are most of them fat?
Apologies & better ideas.

Ok. So I thought about it last night & re-reviewed the comments on here & none of you sound like bigots. I'll admit I had a knee jerk reaction. When I see near verbatim descriptions of the caravan as are coming from some of the right wing pundits, it brings to mind some of the bigoted remarks of the right wing pundits I have heard & it got grouped in my mind. So, my bad. I still don't think it's been orchestrated by the left. I think if Trump didn't make such a public deal of it, he could have just as easily, if not MORE easily done the things he's implementing because the left wouldn't have his actions to jump on. I think this is far more about Trump wanting to drum up his base again before the election in 2 weeks. I also think if republicans softened their rhetoric on immigration a degree or two, they might actually pick up a considerable portion of the latino vote.

This whole garbage with the poorly made pipe bombs could very well be from either side. I'm impressed at the tone Trump used. Maybe he actually listened to one of his aides who told him if he didn't strike the right tone, it might sound like he was encouraging it. Seeing the bombs on the news this morning, they certainly couldn't have done much damage. My sister's ex-boyfriend pipe bombed our mailbox in '96 MUCH more successfully.

Ultimately to me it seems that 98% of the time, Trump & the right wing pundits, and, well, pretty much the entire Left have ZERO interest in finding any kind of consensus & are much more interested in keeping the country as divided as possible.

If we could get the officials in charge to meet together somehow anonymously, be it in some kind of chat room, or wearing masks, I don't care what they do, but go in & leave aside all preconceived ideas, party affiliation, and look at it completely objectively, I think we could get something done. The problem is on both sides they've got so many interest groups with their hands in their pockets & vice versa that I don't think it will ever happen.
My mom thought the same as you. I told her that was too far out there for me to buy into. The left has shown they will do almost anything though.
So I'm wandering around Chicago and am in disgust at the amount of people that I encounter jabbering on in some stupid ass non-english language.

What ever happened to assimilating to your new environment? If you want to be here, act like you want to fit in here!

Had a great visit with an uber driver originally from northern Africa. Came here for the economic opportunities here.
Now he's his own boss. Gotta love that!
He said his home government was corrupt.
I asked if the people could own guns? He laughed because the thought of that was absurb. I replied that the government will then always be corrupt. He agreed.
I know I'm rambling, but I thought the conversation was interesting, and inspiring.
Generally when a left opinion person or liberal can't substanciate a good arguement you will become a list of following,

the l"ist" goes on...

However, Believing in vetting our applicants and securing our boarder if that happens to line up with the Kool-aid Trump is serving I guess line me up. (along with majority of this Country)
Illegal Immigration: It's About Power

Pretty well sums that up to a t. Keeps them up and you down. Insures that you will be in need which insures they will keep their power. The official ruling class. That is the hate against Donald Trump. They don't want the country to succeed and see this stuff really works because it cuts into their ruling class and big government concept. We have a real uphill battle because their rob Peter to pay Paul and all the free stuff is so easy to sell. especially to young kids that will buy into anything if it is repeated a few times. We will know, in about a week, where our country is heading. We will see if we are forging ahead or going back in time to erase our history and our constitution.
So I'm wandering around Chicago and am in disgust at the amount of people that I encounter jabbering on in some stupid ass non-english language.

I agree people should assimilate. However - We still have no official National language. I'm honestly surprised Trump hasn't tried to make that part of his rhetoric with as much as he gets on his soap box about illegal immigration. Also - Americans study other languages less than any other country in the world. And if you moved to Lithuania, even if you spoke fluent Russian or lithuanian or whatever & had lived there for 20 years- If you ran into a fellow American, or Englishman, or Australian - Do you think you'd be jabbering to them in Russian or English.
Border & the military

Ok, so I'm all for allowing in a glut of immigrants who are looking to come here for legitimate reasons, & I think I've made that clear in several posts. At the same time, I have ZERO problem with sending the military to help with the border. If we had 3 or 4 armed military folks for every mile of the border, I think that would be a whole lot more effective than any wall could hope to be. Anyone crossing at non-approved locations would be apprehended & turned back. 5200 military personnel could definitely do it. It would be good training for our military & more productive than all the nation building (and destroying) we've been doing in the last 20 years.
Every single one of us have to adhere to our own personal budgets.
For example, let's you feel comfortable contributing 10% or 10 grand or whatever is that number you feel is appropriate for your own situation to church/charities etc.

I don't know about you folks, but I know that I cannot vary too much from my original budget.

Our government is wholly funded by our money, but they do not treat it with the same respect as we do. And I am sick and f_ing tired of it!

We cannot afford to help everyone. If we try, we eventually be able to help anyone including ourselves.
Furthermore, these invaders brazenly act like it is their right to enter our country, while our ancestors were humbly and eternally grateful for the opportunity come here.

Watching these folks act anything but humble and grateful makes me mad as hell.
Who is feeding them? Somebody must be supporting this migration. That is a damn long walk without food. They have been walking this way for weeks right?
I think every one who wants them here be there to take them home with them, or just flat out shot there ass's. ? maybe take out a dem along with one or two of them. like you can just walk in here and live what the f-uck there are two may stupid people here now. how about all you that think its ok to let them in meet them at the border and go back south with them. and dont forget to bring sandwich's for them. maybe you can fix there goverment down there. you sure cant help ares here.!!!!!!!!!
Furthermore, these invaders brazenly act like it is their right to enter our country, while our ancestors were humbly and eternally grateful for the opportunity come here.

Watching these folks act anything but humble and grateful makes me mad as hell.
Mafesto, I have a hard time envisioning your ancestors being humble about anything. :face-icon-small-win
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