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Your thoughts on the invasion?

The media on both sides is claiming border crossings is nearing 3 million ...................................... ya right.
The UN Security Council has approved a joint US-Mexican resolution to sanction ‘anyone who threatens peace, security or stability’ in Haiti. The measure comes as the Western hemisphere’s poorest country is engulfed in crisis,with Washington considering intervention despite pleas on the ground not to do so.

The things the common man does not know about his own country. Technically for starters there is no fifty states and what other states or city/cities are not officially part of the union?

The United States of America denied to Alaska and Hawaii the ...

https://uprdoc.ohchr.org › uprweb › downloadfile


The United States of America denied to Alaska and Hawaii the basic tenets in the. Declaration of Independence, a document noted by a member of the Human Rights.

The United States of America denied to Alaska and Hawaii the ...

https://uprdoc.ohchr.org › uprweb › downloadfile


Oct 3, 2019 — Hawaii and Alaska therefore have the right to invoke Article I of the Charter of the United Nations due to their status and in the light of ...

Here's a little simpler version below of what the above and who has say to these two states .

In a nut shell the United States occupies Hawaii and Alaska,

Occupies : reside or have one's place of business in
I don't remember any of this in history class or the big screen , this page must of got left out.IMG_20221022_170501169_HDR.jpg Maybe there wouldn't be a grave yard at the bottom of it.
Who do you think over sees the border patrol, it's all contracted out. Meaning once the contract is signed it's out of the Governments hands. The People of the United States has no say until contract is expired.

Hint, they don't really expire, just names change.

It takes preferred requirements to be a shareholder, employees a different story, government experience required.

Enjoy the video on the page, very patriotic.

100% of our profits benefit our more than 14,000 Iñupiat shareholders, who created Akima to enhance their occupational and educational opportunities as well as their social and cultural programs.

See how easy it is to take a culture and corrupt it with a democracy.
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Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch."

Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."

These two can not work together, one of these two has to go forever.

Wake up America
The body language sure doesn't appear as if they are coming here to accept any job possible to earn better lives for their families.
I noticed the pig , he'll probably pick that up and there's a group that appear to be pissed off , imagine that.

Two more years, where's that Canadian/ south of the border Cruz. Prosecuting someone that bruised his ego?

Welcome to America, they are just verifying the conspiracist NWO reset.
Mayorkas is soliciting for more funding to ship illegal immigrants threw out the country . Refuses to answer one simple question .

Under who's orders ?

Who is Mayorkas ?
He was born in Cuba , his father a Cuban Jew , mother a Romanian Jew .
Mayorkas was a prosecutor of what ?

Maybe he like prosecuting his own people in a lawless country.
It just keeps getting better the federal contractors are being forced , as in contract requirement obligations, to go cashless.

Remember federal contract employees don't loose their job they just wear a different company name while still having the same boss.

This is a prime example of how diaper boy is bringing in a new federal currency.

You will own nothing and be happy , any lip from you and your digital currency will be dealt with.

Amazing how the media doesn't talk about this.
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