I've had my own guns (started with a .22LR) since I was 8 years old. 17 years later I have STILL not shot myself or anyone else. My guns must be defective.
btw, there has been ONE TIME in my life that I actually went to pull my pistol and it wasn't there.

Scariest 30 seconds of my life, bar none! I NEVER want to have to relive that. Meth-head rushed my pickup in a WalMart parking lot as I backed out of my parking spot...he hit my drivers side window as his buddy hit my pax side window...I reached and groped for a pistol that had been next to me for 4 years straight, only to remember selling it a few weeks prior. They both tried my doors to find them locked, yelled, then turned and ran away....I pulled back into my parking spot and sat there a while to settle down. Had I found my pistol....well, my ears would have been ringing...