I have a hard time with the fact that you are asking people to pay for information about what parts to buy from you. Sounds like you are starting to charge for customer service. If you want people to stop calling about setup, you should just put the information out there for free.
One problem with free is that you might be worried that others would use the information, or parts would be boughten from other stores. It might be a problem, but as people vote with their dollars, I think that most of them would vote for customer service than save a couple of bucks and go elsewhere.
Just some thoughts, just have a hard time with paying someone to tell me what parts to buy from them.
One problem with free is that you might be worried that others would use the information, or parts would be boughten from other stores. It might be a problem, but as people vote with their dollars, I think that most of them would vote for customer service than save a couple of bucks and go elsewhere.
Just some thoughts, just have a hard time with paying someone to tell me what parts to buy from them.