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XP rolls down Highway @ 70 mph

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Jan 12, 2006
Rexburg, Idaho
you're right - IGNORANCE!!! on your part scmuckawhatever

Hey guys,
Sorry if this seems kinda like I am being an a-hole but when you guys say, sorry for the bad luck and god bless and stuff like that it makes me want to throw up. It wasn't bad luck it was bad judgement doing 75 mph with a trailer and he knew there was a bump in the road. Sounds ignorant to me. The people around you are the one's that sould be glad that they were able to stay away from your choice to be stupid on a public HWY.

Well there you are - your forum name says it all. However, bless you and your's if you ever have any smucka(bad)LUCK.
Dec 5, 2007
Idaho Falls
Hey guys,
Sorry if this seems kinda like I am being an a-hole but when you guys say, sorry for the bad luck and god bless and stuff like that it makes me want to throw up. It wasn't bad luck it was bad judgement doing 75 mph with a trailer and he knew there was a bump in the road. Sounds ignorant to me. The people around you are the one's that sould be glad that they were able to stay away from your choice to be stupid on a public HWY.

Not only do you sound like an a-hole but I am convinced you are. You knew what you were typing was rude by trying to get away with it by using a little disclaimer. It sounds like your filter between your brain and fingers tried to work but you ignored it anyway.

And since when is 75 MPH an unreasonable speed to tow a 19' trailer anyway? You can argue that he was exceeding the speed limit on that road but so does 90% of the rest of the traffic between IF and Rexburg. It's more of a hazard to be the only rig going the speed limit on that road. I know, I drive it weekly.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Federal Way, Washington
Hey guys,
Sometimes the truth is abrasive, so if you really think it still would of happened if he would of slowed down (at least for the bump). then ok, sorry for the bad luck and god bless you. For your invisible friend must of been watching over you as you were pulling your trailer down the freeway at 75 mph and said NO there will be no accident here today for I will save these people from harm. no matter the ignorance of ones actions. SHAZAM!
Nov 21, 2007
Boise, Idaho
Schmuk...keep it to yourself. If you knew the parties personally and if you've driven that stretch of highway before you could comment.

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone else who goes out of there way the way that Mark & Jodie do to make sure that people are safe and taken care of. That stretch of road has people positively FLYING down it and to be safe occasionally you do have to exceed the speed limit. I would agree that they were lucky that no one was harmed that day - but you could say the same for someone going 30mph as well.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Federal Way, Washington
Hey guys,
I am sure they are very nice people but if everybody kept everything to there self there would be no post's. if you want it to be private why is it on here.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007

Jodie, I'm so sorry your new baby got messed up.....maybe the good in this, is a sign of clear sailing from here on out for you for the season!:D.....What a great dealership you have down there to take such great care of you!!! :D

Dec 14, 2001
Archer, Idaho
Schmuck eh????? It fits.

Hey guys,
Sorry if this seems kinda like I am being an a-hole but when you guys say, sorry for the bad luck and god bless and stuff like that it makes me want to throw up. It wasn't bad luck it was bad judgement doing 75 mph with a trailer and he knew there was a bump in the road. Sounds ignorant to me. The people around you are the one's that sould be glad that they were able to stay away from your choice to be stupid on a public HWY.

I was just going to let the "Intelligent" people answer your smuck-a-bunch drival.......... But I can't hep mahself :D since you are playing the "stoopid" card.................. "Stoopid is as stoopid does'', the speed limit here in Idaho where we drive real trucks happens to be 75, not on this particular stretch of highway (it used to be BTW ;) but that is not the reason for this accident, The reason was EQUIPMENT failure, the hitch came off, I highly doubt the manufacturers designed it to come off on a "Expansion Joint" bump, thats why we call these things "ACCIDENTS".

Ignorant,........ Hardly, ignorant means lack of knowledge, I happen to know that hwy very well, and since I am a "Very Advanced Driver" ;), I knew the bridge had no issues, traffic was collasping on me and it was in my best interest to get away from them, its called "Defensive Driving" in case you flunked that part of your Drivers ed ...............

Then, the expansion joint was extremely violent, and walla, an ACCIDENT....... I spose you've never had one, that would be, well, "Ignorant " eh??? And, I am sure you never rode your sled over the posted speed limits for sleds in Washington (45mph) right????? I didn't think so, that would be, well "Stupid" on a public trail right????????????

Good thing those 2 items never converged together for you, since that would end up with you displaying "Bad Judgement" .......... (Your own words, not mine ;) )

But then again, we all can't be schmuck's like you............thank gawd ;)

Thanks for your concern.
Dec 14, 2001
Archer, Idaho
Thanks Everyone Else!

From both Jo & Myself for your words of support and advice and of getting the intent of why I posted this incident, so that we all can learn from the experience and that someone out there might be able to avoid something this unfortunate in the future.:cool:
Nov 26, 2007
Rigby ID
I'm not entirely sure he was going 75, he drives a Ford, so maximum
speed in that thing is probably closer to 45.....:rolleyes:

That stretch of highway has always been bad, in fact there was a rollover
just south of there again yesterday....I'll bet there are at least 50 wrecks
within a 10 mile stretch there every year...Concrete highways just dont
do real well in that environment.

See ya next week Slim & Jo, need anything from Florida?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
WOW, Schmuck. So many thoughts came rushing to my head that my fingers can't keep up.

Something about -

carma (because it bites back)
glass houses (You obviously live in one.....)
rocks (yah....)
what Scotty said.....
Hope you never have an accident that "might" have been avoidable (aren't they all in hind sight?)
Next time, let that "filter" do it's job, eh?

Ok, done. :D


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Federal Way, Washington
Hey guys,
I drive for a living, (and my real truck is bigger than your real truck, both of them,not bragging you brought it up)and wether I am on the trail or on the road, if I am going to fast for the situation(in your post it sounded like you knew the bump was there since you know the highway so well) and something happens, its not an accident its bad judgement on my part for not slowing down, when I new there was something coming up ahead. machanical failure? was something broken on the trailer or did it just pop off? Wow your definition for Ignorant was almost word for word with dictionary did you have to look it up? an accident is something that happens that you have no control of. you had the option to slow down you chose not to. and we will never agree so I am done now!
Dec 14, 2001
Archer, Idaho
Good schumck cause its obvious you can't understand.

Goodbye, I am not wasting my time with you, yer a, well............ a schmuck.

Someone asked what i would do different, after this week has passed and the sick to my stomach feeling has resided, I researched in my head all the componenets of this accident, i have come up with these thoughts:

* I will always have a pre-check of pulling out the break-away plug for the trailer brakes and drive 4 feet to make sure they are working and lock up in the drive way, we found they were not :( This would have kept from the violent fishtailing.

* #2. Make sure your safety chains are LONGER than your break-away Brake cable, mine wasnt, I hooked everything up and away we went.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2001
Boise, Idaho
Might want to latch that little thingy on the front of the trailer.:confused:

Glad your ok.

You know I was kidding but, I am thankful your ok.

I hit that bump on my way to IF yesterday and though WTF and I did not have a trailer behind me. ITD needs to fix that. You should do a warning post on here for all of the peeps on here that go to West and IP. Mile Marker or somethng.

shmuckaluck- Give it up, your way behind now.

Nov 27, 2007
Kennewick, WA
Wow guys, Scott told me you guys had an accident. Glad to here all involved are OK!

Looking forward to seeing you guys in Feb...

Schmuck, I hope you ride with your name on your sled! Small world!:mad:

When someone gets on here and tells of their bad fortune, a bit of sympathy is very simple and goes a long way. Start your own F___n' thread about your definition of driver safety!
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