Sorry, forgot #7:
Cripes, forgot about the secodary/Oil issue. On the maiden breakin rides, I packed along a roll of paper towels and alcohol. When BRP did the chaincase/breather update and changed out the chaincase cover, many sleds came with the fresh oil spilt under the motor. During the course of first rides, MANY if not most all of the riders didnt wipe this up, BRP mistake yes, but you can cover their azz by cleaning this up during each 5 mile stop, we did, after the 15 mile stop,no more oil. And none on the belt.
lucky 13, since anyone can buy this rocket, I gotta save a few tricks for when I race
Here's one hint. I have knocked 16 lbs off my 154, another 26 lbs is in the works, that makes a total weight loss of 42 lbs, if you believe the original DOO weights, that makes my 154 weigh in dry at 397
Cripes, forgot about the secodary/Oil issue. On the maiden breakin rides, I packed along a roll of paper towels and alcohol. When BRP did the chaincase/breather update and changed out the chaincase cover, many sleds came with the fresh oil spilt under the motor. During the course of first rides, MANY if not most all of the riders didnt wipe this up, BRP mistake yes, but you can cover their azz by cleaning this up during each 5 mile stop, we did, after the 15 mile stop,no more oil. And none on the belt.
lucky 13, since anyone can buy this rocket, I gotta save a few tricks for when I race
Here's one hint. I have knocked 16 lbs off my 154, another 26 lbs is in the works, that makes a total weight loss of 42 lbs, if you believe the original DOO weights, that makes my 154 weigh in dry at 397