Not buying tags won't help. Greenies don't care if you are mad. They are happy you are not hunting/not in forest unless you are just there to hike, crap in the woods, and kiss a few trees. The Wilderness groups do not care what your reason is - you are not there, no hunting, no guns, no people. Wilderness dream.
No the way to change this is get rid of Tester/Baucus and this change in Senators/Reps needs to happen all over and especially in western states who can then work together to lobby other parts of the country to understand the unique circumstances and probably can get support on our side when they see all the western states standing together on such issues: wolves/access/etc.
Then you have to change the guard in DC, Dept of Ag, and that is where the Wildneress / Wildlands / Greenie pressure comes from. Your local FWP is just a pawn, the big movers are all in DC. Guys like Tester and Baucus are their kind of people. Remember this when guys are running for office and you need to find out how they plan to approach this. Rehberg is your friend in this. You may not like everything he does but on this issue it is a no brainer. Rehberg has to defeat Tester. The commercials running currently, with the tape over their mouths, is misleading. That is a homeland security issue, not access like those lying greenie thugs try to portray. Research it.
Get active in politics, support the business that are supporting our efforts, and KEEP buying tags / guns / ammo and STAY in the forests. Everyone needs to join an access group (i.e. FFOR, CBU, BRC, MSA, etc) and these access groups need to work together and look for money for all of these efforts - that needs to be supplied by manufacturers (Yamaha, Honda, BRP, Arctic Cat, etc) not from a few access groups selling raffle tickets. Those manufactureres and others (hunting industry / independent firearms companies) should be interested as once there is no motorized access / niothing to hunt they will lose a lot of busines/money. Seriously, no elk/no hunting..what will keep our kids interested? same with ATV's / motorcycles/snowmobiles.