This thread was hijacked a long time ago

and Kokanee is damn near moonshine in this country, what do you guys say when you drink a budlight or something?
Ranchers have been shooting wolves around here forever. Hell ive seen ranchers lean over the hood and bust a bald eagle during lamb season cause its pretty funny the amount of eagles that sit around on the power lines watching these lambs stalking there livestock

Alot of ranchers took a massive fine for this in the Kaycee Wy area from G&F, that ended up in a pretty big battle royal quite some years ago between the government officials and the ranchers. Ended up running a Game&Fish official out of the territory, sorta a civil war. I get to sit in the middle of it all. Friends with all of the ranchers, family members in the Game&Fish. So I cant really pick a side, but its making it easier now that the government is willing to do something about this. Its not just about Elk in this area. Its about all live stock. And to these ranchers, there livelyhood. They are not making any money, they are making a living, thats what Ranching is. Its not a huge money making industry, its making a living. So its very easy to understand when there are 4-5 Black Angus cattle layed over in the hills with just a hind leg missing, or the stomach. Or 30 lambs that were killed just for fun, they never even ate anything off of them, they just killed them for the fun. Easy to understand when they go to auction with 40 missing animals from there herd. Thats food on the table, a house payment, truck payment, taxes for land, and college educations. On the G&F side, they are trying to stop the ranchers from killing the wolves and the cougers.

is this getting confusing yet? Basically nothing is happening with this problem. The ranchers got paid for the killed livestock, but it was nothing close to what they were worth. And they get no money from there guided hunts, which, well they shouldnt because its a wild animal. So this broke alot of ties in this area when the government wasnt doing anything about the problem except paying the ranchers 25% of what the animal was worth.
Every spring time we brand cattle for ranchers around here in a 200 mile radius. Alot of them know that 2-3% of the cattle that we brand wont make it to market, and thats just predetorial kills.
Alot of these Ranches run guided hunting, I know because I guide for the majority of them and help the G&F out with outta state hunters and such. A guided Elk hunt in this area is $4k-6k, and thats not getting greedy, thats a little less than the Natl. Average. A deer hunt down here for Mule deer runs $2400-$4000. And Wolves ARE killing these animals.
So whats that all boil down to? Money, its all about the money. It always has been. Killing wolves is a money making industry, saves on the herds, mentally easy on livestock, and wild game isnt effected. Money making for G&F because they get government funding and PETA folk give them alot of money to patrol and stop this.
So ya see? Money & Politics

Just my .02. Its easier to keep the peace and turn a blind eye to the ranchers and keep in good with the G&F.
Ohh and if your offended

I dont really give a shhit. Please come live in this community for 20 years before you voice your opinion to me, I see dead cattle and sheep everytime I go out from predetors. According to G&F of all these predetorial kills, about 24% of them are wolves. That margin grows each year, seems like a problem if your a rancher
i say good day to you
