Dear ****,
Things have gone from bad to worse for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.
Today, the Bush/Cheney Administration is stripping these amazing animals of vital federal protections, officially opening the door to the shooting, trapping, and killing of up to 1,200 wolves.
We can’t let that happen. Donate $50.00, $30.00 or whatever you can afford today and help support our Yellowstone Wolf Legal Defense Fund and on-the-ground efforts to protect wolves and other wildlife.
Under existing state management plans -- plans approved by the Bush Administration -- all but 300 hundred wolves could be killed. That’s 80% of the wild wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies!
As I wrote last month, federal officials already made it easier to kill wolves while they were still protected under the Endangered Species Act. Now they’re taking the final step, and eliminating these federal protections altogether.
Idaho officials want to use aerial gunning to kill wolves in their state. Wyoming agencies have left the door open to the use of traps and poison to eliminate wolves. And officials in both states -- and Montana -- have proposed wolf hunts.
States could start the killing by the end of March. Please make a tax-deductible emergency donation right now and help support our work to save these wolves.
More than a decade ago, caring wildlife supporters just like you helped Defenders lead the fight to return these majestic animals to Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.
With your support, we’ve stopped earlier attempts by the Bush Administration to eliminate federal protections for these wolves. We’ve taken on wolf opponents in the Farm Bureau who wanted to kill these majestic animals… and won. We’ve pioneered innovative strategies to help humans and wolves co-exist and built powerful coalitions to advocate for common-sense wolf management.
Now we need your help to save them again.
To fund our ongoing legal work, on-the-ground advocacy efforts and proactive conservation programs to save wolves and other wildlife, we need to raise at least $125,000 by March 20th.
Your tax-deductible donation of $50.00, $30.00 or whatever you can afford will help us meet this goal and provide the essential resources we need to win this fight and save wolves.
The battle to save our wolves is one that we can, must and will win. But we can only do it with your help.
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
P.S. To help support our efforts, please make a secure donation online or call 1-800-385-9712 to donate over the phone.