ok heres the deal i won a drawing for 2days use of an m1000. well took it back after day one because something came up and i couldnt go the next day i took it back on friday. so heres whats bugging me. on monday late afternoon the dealer calls me and says there is a 1inch tear in the seat up by the gas tank. ok so 3 days practically after i return it he calls me and tells me this. isnt that weird? i never noticed the tear nor do i know how the tear happened. as far as i know it couldve happened after i returned it by someone else he says no one else rode it but maybe while they were in the shop i dont know. anyways he wants $200 for a new seat cover. i still have one more day on that sled i feel ike tellin him i wont take it. id much rather ride my m8. and/or if he still wants me to pay for the seat it should just be the dealer cost im not gonna pay $200 for a little one inch tear.. what do u guys think i should do? its been about 2weeks and havent decided anything it took him a week to find out about what he should do from his dad before he called me last friday. help me out guys.