If we could just keep the dumbest 30% of us off of the internet the PR problem would be solved....but then this very forum would lose half it's membership.
Dogmeat, my (as yet, unmet) friend. Move to AK.
You can ride from your front door in most communities (except Anchorage) and the riding is, well, you've seen the pictures.
We got jobs too!
As to your question? Woe be unto any AK politican who to votes to ban snowmachining....they'll just end up out of office with a tracked up lawn.
What prompted me about this thread is how the USFS basically enacted a de facto wilderness standard by way of regulations via a travel plan in Western MT recently. This conveniently allows them to designate lands as wilderness without having to go through that nasty little process of getting congressional approval, so they can basically designate wilderness via travel management plans in the areas its politically popular to do so. I don't think AK will suffer near as much as the lower 48 will from these actions.