Well-known member
Without being negative here, like Utah is any better???
Your public lands are closing to OHV and OTS use just as fast or faster than Colorado.
What's that group that you have the anti sicker for Dog? Funded by some rich toolbag from another country?
I don't see Utah as being worse at all. In fact, I have many more riding areas here than I had out there. There is a stronger conservative base here that won't let liberal politicians do what they are doing to Colorado. True, there are areas that have been closed, but the rate of closing areas and significant threats isn't what it is in Colorado....for now. Utah has filed suit against Salazar, the first state to do so, for suggesting that large blocks of Utah should become eligible for wilderness designation. Heres the article .
If you buy into the "aaahhhh, SUWA is coming to take our land!!!!" story then you also ought to sell your conbustible engined vehicle, buy a prius, convert your house over to solar, and start drilling for geothermal heat because global warming legislation is coming to take away anything fueled by hydrocarbons. Rolling over and throwing in the towel is exactly what they want you to do with their big scary talk. As long as there is a resistance to these types of groups, they won't dominate like so many people claim that can. They make life difficult yes, but not impossible and cooler heads will prevail.