I really like the old slednecks videos when they used to have the Tex games, and would show guys doing dumb stuff in there trucks etc. Being from the East I really like watching some of the stuff you guys had to drag your trucks thru just to go ride. It would be cool to see how you guys get the sleds unstuck from some of the crazy deep stuff. More real guys/gals riding. Last time I checked most of us didnt have 15 sleds to choose from when 1 gets wrecked. How about some shady trail fixes, guys sinking there sleds etc. I cant believe someone hasnt done any trial footage from some eastern states. I'm sure alot of guys out west could not believe some of the trail conditions or lack there of are in some places. There will be railroad beds that make snocross tracks look like childs play. And they will be 50 miles long. Do a contest and take some flatlanders out west and film them for laughs then take some guys from out west and get them to ride east so there can be a real connection between the 2 very different styles of riding.