What exactly was so intimidating about Mitt, or threatening to you? That he may stick up for the 2% of Americans that apparently make too much, but dont pay enough taxes, (because they were smart enough to figure out how to)?
You want to screw things up for us remaining 98% because its not "fair" or what?
Now just look, whats obama's plan, no body knows yet, but it comes with a price tag of atleast 200 billion more to tag onto our insanely huge defecit.
This country was not founded on being fair, the American dream is ALL about making it happen for yourself.
I'm sorry, but what is wrong with allowing the tax rates for the top 2% return to normal? The Bush tax cuts were not meant to last forever they are due to expire and they should. Trickle down economics has not helped the middle class in the slightest and its clear like you said the rich do not need any help from the government to keep amassing more wealth.
But then again all this tax stuff is BS. If we had a flat tax with no deductions everyone would pay the same and the effective rate would be lower.