Holy crap(no pun intended.) Cmantle1, your kinda caught in a cross fire. hehehe. I don't go to church, was never forced to, and will never force anyone too, or even try to make them go! I just think that it is something that YOU, yourself, can do, but only if you don't want to! I choose not to, I don't bag on anyone if they do, but if they harp on me about not going, they'll get an ear full! Believe what you want to believe. The one thing that I do have against it came across about 5 years ago. My mom had a friend that took her son to a Sunday school, long story short, the kid was molested by one of the priests or pastures, I dunno, but she refused to believe that this guy was doing this, and yes, they proved that he did do it, and I don't care what he was, I would have beat the living %$&@ out of the guy! Isn't really a religious problem, but I kinda have to think that it had something to do with her not believing her son.