id go dragon stock. the nytro has to have a turbo just to compete. 134hp to 154hp wich would u choose. and also the green u havta put down to modify that nytro . get the poli and ride her like shes stolen. wont havta wrestle a 600lbs sled around when u could toss a 550 lbs sled
have you rode the Nytro yet???? don't bash it till you do!!! i say it'll out handle any new sled on the snow right now. I've rode 'em all in the past year & it handles better than a rev or dragon!!! just my .02. as your losing HP on the way up the hill, i'm still making mine. not bashing at all, just defending!!!! have fun riding & always wear protection!!!!
wear did the purpose of this thread go?????
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