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Tucker Carlson is back:


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Apr 22, 2010
Putin's words will charm you but his actions will harm you. Just like the wanna be dictator Agent Orange.

Tucker has the most punchable face in entertainment.

I shudder to think how you guys think you have been enlightened by this clown's content. His fortune is made from spreading hate and fear. Whatever makes you ummm...happy?...I guess. I don't see an ounce of happiness here but maybe feeling like others share your hate and fear gives some kind of joy...I dunno
Just for you Simple



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Putin's words will charm you but his actions will harm you. Just like the wanna be dictator Agent Orange.

Tucker has the most punchable face in entertainment.

I shudder to think how you guys think you have been enlightened by this clown's content. His fortune is made from spreading hate and fear. Whatever makes you ummm...happy?...I guess. I don't see an ounce of happiness here but maybe feeling like others share your hate and fear gives some kind of joy...I dunno
Username checks out.


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Feb 27, 2008
I thought you live in UT le?
Not enough idiots to observe there?
Oh, yeah, I have lived in UT for a while now. Born and raised in Idaho though, and I haven't lost the awesomeness of living in a small town.

Plenty of idiots to catch one's attention here, but there's way more straight up good people to focus on here vs the freak show that gets the headlines in the local "news". Lol

If things get "real", I'm fine.


Well-known member
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Apr 22, 2010
So what did everyone think of the interview??
I thought it was an interesting interview, Tucker might have learned a little, no kissing ass or trying to swing the conversation was allowed. It's interesting how other nations that aren't influenced by America see's the world.

He emphasized on something that is being destroyed in this country, history, without it there is no guidance in life.

You could take clips from years of these so called journalist interviews with leaders of countries and they're all the same. The journalist is always trying to be in charge of the conversation, Putin like some others shut it down and there's a pattern there because they are the bad guys.

Take red man as an example, the media has a fricken opopeletic fit. If that were only true :)

Look at the journalism we have today with this administration, the best the media could come up with diaper boy was what kind of ice cream does dementia baby like.

Told ya those optic lenses only work for people with sound minds :)

We are in some serious trouble, The people that are in so called charge are not capable of having such a human being conversation.
May 2, 2013
Our country has been taken over by evil people and they want us to fail. One can’t trust the media or or governmen at this time. This year will be a time stamp.
LOL how many years has then been said now? At least 4, probably 20. OMG the scary MSM! Oh scary politicians! Let's vote for a dipshit liar real estate mogul instead....oops that didn't work out did it? Dudes, people don't watch MSM unless they are boomers....oh wait you guys are scared boomers as well. The next generation, as ****ed as they are financially, aren't scared. Maybe they have a chance but they have to listen to their snowflake parents and grandparents who insist the whole system is failing. Oh all these bad things we read on the internet!

The interview was boring. Putin got to be his usual charismatic liar self and Tucker got the exposure he is dying for since the MSM fired him. He isn't a journalist BTW. He is a self admitted entertainer.


Well-known member
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Feb 27, 2008
LOL how many years has then been said now? At least 4, probably 20. OMG the scary MSM! Oh scary politicians! Let's vote for a dipshit liar real estate mogul instead....oops that didn't work out did it? Dudes, people don't watch MSM unless they are boomers....oh wait you guys are scared boomers as well. The next generation, as ****ed as they are financially, aren't scared. Maybe they have a chance but they have to listen to their snowflake parents and grandparents who insist the whole system is failing. Oh all these bad things we read on the internet!

The interview was boring. Putin got to be his usual charismatic liar self and Tucker got the exposure he is dying for since the MSM fired him. He isn't a journalist BTW. He is a self admitted entertainer.
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