Norway.. what is your current helix? I'm from Finland and driving mostly in sealevel and want to try Trs setup, just don't know where to start. Does 42-32f helix with 125-175 spring also work in sealevel or should I get steeper angle helix??
My sled is stock -16 pro 155 2.6"
Greetings and welcome to the party!
I see we hav similar sleds and both ride really low elevation. That gives us some common ground to stand on for sure.
Since I just started to get into this specific direction of clutching, I am hesitant to give you directions..
I got a 46-32F helix with a 100/200 spring and run 110/290 primary spring together with 70gr Lightning weights. I also bought PRO gears for my quick-drive, so my sled is geared lower than yours. Have the 125/175 secondary spring coming and hope that this will let me go down to 60gr +/-.
Before you buy parts, read the original information!! "TRS clutching" here:
It is in 4 parts now and can be a lot to take in if you are new to clutching a snowmobile. If so, get help to perform the different tasks! If you do the boring stuff like fix alignment, clutch sheave to belt clearance and secondary float/shimming first you will feel much better later knowing those things are taken care of.
Other than that, I can tell you how my sled is working for my riding with the different things I do. You will have to make some small decisions and decide where you want to start and find YOUR sweet spot. My sled ran good from day one. No trouble with TPS out of adjustment or anything.
Remember that the TRS clutching threads are for turbos and many sledders in the US run extremely high elevations compared to you and me. This concept for more stock sleds is still in the making so take it for what it is.