same for 07 , your correct , the 08 is a different issue in the secondery but the issue in the primary is the same as the 07 primary issue.
take a poll and i would bet a yes in the doo makes a new issue every year .
looking at 09 the issue is going to be totally different issue for sure .
all based around belt sales .
compared to the opposition the doo belt sales are way up there .
we stock belts for all brands and the doo belts we sell are 95 percent of our yearly belt sales.
07 issue #1 spring tower cap
#2 secondery bushings were way to small and wear at a rapid rate.
#3 front arm in skid located wrong
08 issues #1 primary spring tower cap
#2 secondery spring wrong for mtn application with the track supplied
09 issues waiting to see how they think the 43/47 will work in the mtn for belt sales
doo has not been steller on secondery spring selection .historically speaking
same guy in charge of this is in charge with the recoil design .
why they seem to think that it will work for a huge selection of there tracks doesnt bewilder me at all . i just accept they see it differently.fine for a tral sled but mtn application they need to rethink there approach.
watch the track speeds .
06 was faster than the 07 and the 07 was faster than the 08 as delivered with every thing set up and in spec .same model
it is a balancing act and they keep neglecting to put the variable of the sec spring into there equation .
but what the ell would i know .