Lets 1st of all understand how your clickers function. From clicker setting #1 to #5 for each click you increase 100rpm at high altitudes lower elevations might see as high as 200 rpm...For each click of the clicker UP 2 to 5 you have effectively moved the ramp(s) which inturn
put more force on the roller/arm assembly and slighty slows the shift character which inturn because of the added force/load between the ramp profile/roller increases rpm....When you click down from #5 to #1 you have
effectively decreased the force on the ramp/roller which shows on the rpm by a 100rpm decrease in rpm for each click down #5 to #1. Confused ????..Thats what to much DooTalk will do to you. LOL....And than we have the secondary and since it's toque sensing how it factors into the picture
May The FORCE Be With You
Simplest thing alot of you need to do is buy a skidoo race manuel part # 484200084 it explains the function(s) pretty clearly.
Skidoo motors run there best when there "under load" with weight and force from the TRA. Take the weigh and the force of the TRA away and the results is in consistant rpm and slow track speed.
Sorry OT, I thought you just made a typo. This is from Dynamoe^Joe's website.
Clutching IQ section
Clutching Principle
Clickers changes TRA ramp angle. Determines how quickly the engine will rev/accelerate.
Clicker 6 raises ramp angle to highest point - Quickest engine response
clicker 1 lowers ramp angle to lowerst point - Slowest engine response
*Need engine to respond quicker = raise clicker
Need the tra lever to push less hard/less aggressive = raise clicker
*Need engine to respond slower = Lower clicker
Need the tra lever to push harder/more aggressive = lower clicker
It's a confusing subject and a tough one to get your mind around... I spent an entire afternoon just staring at my primary with it apart on my lap trying to visualize how the arms and ramp worked together.
The flatter the ramp the more the arm can swing out to move the ramp (and sheave) a given distance. This means the arm has more leverage. More leverage for the arm=more force to the ramp=greater belt pinch.
So the primary will shift slower but will apply more force to the belt with a lower clicker - all other things being equal. Raise the clicker and the sheave closes faster though the arms now have less leverage and apply less force to the belt.
Higher clicker=sheave closes faster but with less force(pinch).
Lower clicker=sheave closes slower but with more force(pinch).
How this pertains to engine load is a different thing all together.
In deep powder or when climbing a hill a high clicker transfers less load to the engine (since the belt typically will slip in the primary due to less pinch). This isn't a good thing as increased friction will lead excessive heat and decreased performance.
If there is less load transfered from the secondary to the primary (riding on a packed trail as opposed to through fresh powder) the extra belt pinch isn't required to keep the belt from slipping and a higher clicker actually transfers more load to the engine (the effective gear ratio of the sled is increasing faster than with a lower clicker) . Think of it as the drive gear on your ten speed. The bigger the gear on your pedals, the harder you had to work to pedal.
Adjusting clickers changes load in two ways. Flatter ramps (through a lower clicker) transfers more load to the engine through a decrease in the belt slipping (more pinch). But it does not apply as much load to the engine in another way as the drive sprocket stays smaller for longer.
Raise clickers and you pinch the belt less (this may cause belt slippage in an high load situation) and therefore decrease the load to the engine through slippage. But raising the clicker also increases the size of the sprocket faster (sheave closes faster) which increases the load transferred to the engine.
The key to all of this is balancing everything. It's the most important thing you can do for performance. Balance the load between the primary and the secondary and the rest is easy.
The trouble XP owner's are having with clutching comes entirely from an imbalance in load between the two clutches. And it's not an easy fix since the problem differs for every sled in every situation based on riding conditions. Add in a peaky engine and you multiply the problem.
Basically it comes to this: If you want to get the most out of your sled, you'll need to adjust for the conditions.