I am not trying to be a dick, First off how old are u?/
#2, Dude you have know idea what kind of things I do every day that are way more stressful than "Clearing my head to make a shot" Like I said before do you have any Idea how hard it is to race 39 other guys doing things that would be very hard by yourself with no distraction but instead with guys all around you with no idea what they plan to do all wile being 30 feet high trying to land on a 10 foot wide patch 90 feet away, I just don't see how golf could be that mind bending. I guess it all depends on what you have done in your life, I have been through a lot so I know the pressure of golf would be NOTHING for me. I see it with my wife, going 100mph to me is nothing and does not even raise my pulse but her its like OMG!!! its all in what you have done, what is scary to one makes another laugh.
Sorry if I offended you that was not my intent. It was meant as a light hearted joke.
Good for you.
How does that change anything?