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Those voting for Obama I have a ??


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Great Falls Mt

Obama talks about all this "change" and all these new ideas but how exactly is he is going to find funding for all this? about the only ways he could find funding is taxing the people which alot of us couldnt afford or sell oil or something. but we all know he would NEVER drill for oil and if he taxed more he would just run the country into the ground.... jmo
Nov 28, 2007
Obama talks about all this "change" and all these new ideas but how exactly is he is going to find funding for all this? about the only ways he could find funding is taxing the people which alot of us couldnt afford or sell oil or something. but we all know he would NEVER drill for oil and if he taxed more he would just run the country into the ground.... jmo

he plans to tax the many multi-million dollar companies that didnt pay them last year (millions of dollars that the IRS ignored), and to raise taxes on people with very high income, but wants tax breaks to 95 percent of the people....

just something to think about....

i also think its a pretty decent idea to let kids help pay for college by doing community service...

Something to note: I am not some crazy obsessed Obama fan, but i think he has some good ideas. This whole your right or your left thing is dumb....
Last edited:
Nov 26, 2007
northern ca.
he plans to tax the many multi-million dollar companies that didnt pay them last year (millions of dollars that the IRS ignored), and to raise taxes on people with very high income, but wants tax breaks to 95 percent of the people....

just something to think about....

i also think its a pretty decent idea to let kids help pay for college by doing community service...

Something to note: I am not some crazy obsessed Obama fan, but i think he has some good ideas. This whole your right or your left thing is dumb....

I've got just one question. How much do you have to earn to be a very high income family? Not as much as you folks might think.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Great Falls Mt
if he is goign to tax oil co. then what do you think that will do to oil prices? im guessing it would just give them another reason to jack prices up again....and high oil prices are one of the reasons why our economy is goin down hill
Nov 28, 2007
I've got just one question. How much do you have to earn to be a very high income family? Not as much as you folks might think.

that is the downside. For exmaple, a family whos dad is a college professor and mother is a architect, probably wont get a tax cut. But, say the father is a mechanic and the mother is a waiter, i think it will help...
Nov 28, 2007
if he is goign to tax oil co. then what do you think that will do to oil prices? im guessing it would just give them another reason to jack prices up again....and high oil prices are one of the reasons why our economy is goin down hill

i dont know if that was reffered to me, but ill take as it was...When i say he plans to tax big companies, i dont mean tax oil companies more then already are. Just have the ACTUALLY pay what they should be taxed. And its not just oil, there are a number of companies that simply didnt pay their taxes, and never heard from the IRS again. This is a huge sum of money.

and i dont agree on taxing oil companies any more then they already are


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 15, 2006
Foothills of Grosse Gelb
I've got just one question. How much do you have to earn to be a very high income family? Not as much as you folks might think.

An example of a high income family would be mine and **** Obama and his change. All he wants is more of it.


What's the difference between a Russian communist and an American Democrat? Nothing except the Democrat drives a Toyota.

And I've got one of these on order because Oduma will take these away too...


Defeating communism one Democrat at a time.
If you vote for change, Hilter was a guy who changed things. You need more than just change, you need to know the candidates policies.

As for Bush's economy, I suggest you get more informed and quit looking at the Democrap propanganda. Economy actually grew over his administration. However, I believe presidents do not control the economy as much as you believe. Congress has the real power but they are too wrapped up in their party, lobbyists, donators to give a $hit about us.

Was there ever common sense in the govt?
Nov 28, 2007
If you vote for change, Hilter was a guy who changed things. You need more than just change, you need to know the candidates policies.

As for Bush's economy, I suggest you get more informed and quit looking at the Democrap propanganda. Economy actually grew over his administration. However, I believe presidents do not control the economy as much as you believe. Congress has the real power but they are too wrapped up in their party, lobbyists, donators to give a $hit about us.

Was there ever common sense in the govt?

and Hitler pulled a broken Germany into a force that almost took over the world...Sounds like a good leader to me. Im NOT talking about his beliefs or morals, but what he did is pretty amazing....

But your right, govt is silly....;):D


Nov 19, 2005
North of 60 ...Deep Deep in the bush ......
soo apparently taxes increase if you make over 250K ..well check it out I make over 250K per year and pay out the azz already ....tell ya what ..curb the fuel prices to something livable and I'll be happy to pay more taxes but until then SUCK IT
Jan 2, 2008
If you vote for change, Hilter was a guy who changed things. You need more than just change, you need to know the candidates policies.

As for Bush's economy, I suggest you get more informed and quit looking at the Democrap propanganda. Economy actually grew over his administration. However, I believe presidents do not control the economy as much as you believe. Congress has the real power but they are too wrapped up in their party, lobbyists, donators to give a $hit about us.

Was there ever common sense in the govt?

nope, from top to bottom commen sense is a dirty word.
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