what i am saying is you can never believe all of what you hear. especially in politics.and even if and when its true, you can bet it wont be the whole story.stop and sort thru the b/s for yourself.it doesn't take a lot of experience to make good decisions, it takes a good decision maker.if our most recent presidential office is any indicator, ill take the guy w/ the least experience every time. he is going to be less corrupted by the political system from the get-go, and owe a lot less favors.and with hopefully less of a hidden agenda.but hey what do i know, i am no wheres near as smart as the candidates or the people who are supporting them.
ok let er rip.....
You better dig a little deeper into Obama's past and where he comes from (ie Chicago political machine). If you don't think thats a good example of corruption, you better open your eyes. Has Obama ever showed any indication of reaching across the isle and working with republicans? Does he ever say he's for something besides growing government, without having a caveat?