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This is exactly why you dont want to vote for OBAMA! FACTS!!!

Feb 16, 2008
what i am saying is you can never believe all of what you hear. especially in politics.and even if and when its true, you can bet it wont be the whole story.stop and sort thru the b/s for yourself.it doesn't take a lot of experience to make good decisions, it takes a good decision maker.if our most recent presidential office is any indicator, ill take the guy w/ the least experience every time. he is going to be less corrupted by the political system from the get-go, and owe a lot less favors.and with hopefully less of a hidden agenda.but hey what do i know, i am no wheres near as smart as the candidates or the people who are supporting them.

ok let er rip.....

You better dig a little deeper into Obama's past and where he comes from (ie Chicago political machine). If you don't think thats a good example of corruption, you better open your eyes. Has Obama ever showed any indication of reaching across the isle and working with republicans? Does he ever say he's for something besides growing government, without having a caveat?


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Jul 8, 2001
Sammamish WA
Sled Politics

The Republicans have consistently supported what we as sledders want.

They also support the small businesses we need.

Here in WA State the Dems have supported Boeing and Microsoft and screwed everyone else including snowmobilers.

Does it get much more simple?
If it gets more complicated I cant handle it!
Jul 23, 2008
The Republicans have consistently supported what we as sledders want.

They also support the small businesses we need.

Here in WA State the Dems have supported Boeing and Microsoft and screwed everyone else including snowmobilers.

Does it get much more simple?
If it gets more complicated I cant handle it!

Bingo! Thats some straight talk right there.


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Mar 23, 2005
The Republicans have consistently supported what we as sledders want.

They also support the small businesses we need.

Here in WA State the Dems have supported Boeing and Microsoft and screwed everyone else including snowmobilers.

Does it get much more simple?
If it gets more complicated I cant handle it!

Boeing and Microsoft are the 3rd and 4th largest employers in your state with 30,000 employees between them. Wonder why they would want to support them?

Looks like it may be more complicated than you think, guess you can't handle it then?
Nov 21, 2005
9 Mile Falls, WA
Boeing and Microsoft are the 3rd and 4th largest employers in your state with 30,000 employees between them. Wonder why they would want to support them?

Probably because boeing and microsoft give WA politicians lots of money, and in boeings case, get contracts thrown out when they lose and start the bidding all over again.


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Aug 14, 2002
sleds boys and girls, focus now. Don't let yourself get sidetracked talking politics in here. Its a waste of time anyway. How many times have you heard two people argue politics and one of them walk away saying..."you know, I think you're right, I am going to switch parties after having this informative discussion"


The point is not to get the other to change their point of view, but to try and understand theirs and maybe change your own.....
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Aug 14, 2002
You better dig a little deeper into Obama's past and where he comes from (ie Chicago political machine). If you don't think thats a good example of corruption, you better open your eyes. Has Obama ever showed any indication of reaching across the isle and working with republicans? Does he ever say he's for something besides growing government, without having a caveat?

That has been explored and leads much to be unfounded... or are you talking the big and powerful Daley machine that didn't like him.....
Nov 21, 2007
I agree it would be a heck of a lot nicer to hear some kind of unbiased, straight-forward, honest assesments of any of the candidates but it aint gonna happen in my lifetime.

We are going to continue to be told that 'O' is the apocalypse and that 'Mac' is just 'Dubya' in sheep's clothing. I'm sure neither is correct but we will keep hearing it until one side or the other makes us a believer. It's tough to cut out all of the "noise".

For me, the only thing I can truly base a somewhat educated vote on is the candidate's public record without all the spin being put on by the other side.

IMO that's as simple as it gets. That's also why I would prefer to see Presidential candidates with some experience.

I think anyone who truly looks at what each candidate has actually done, it really shouldn't be that big of a decision no matter which party you prefer but...


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Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
If we truely want someone that is 100% for the average person and not owned by special interest groups they would almost have to run in a party other than D or R. Even then I don't know if it's possible. Even if it was the D and R candidate would still get way more publicity and thus receiving many of the votes just because of that.
Nov 28, 2007
Island Park, Id
I agree it would be a heck of a lot nicer to hear some kind of unbiased, straight-forward, honest assesments of any of the candidates but it aint gonna happen in my lifetime.

We are going to continue to be told that 'O' is the apocalypse and that 'Mac' is just 'Dubya' in sheep's clothing. I'm sure neither is correct but we will keep hearing it until one side or the other makes us a believer. It's tough to cut out all of the "noise".

For me, the only thing I can truly base a somewhat educated vote on is the candidate's public record without all the spin being put on by the other side.

IMO that's as simple as it gets. That's also why I would prefer to see Presidential candidates with some experience.

I think anyone who truly looks at what each candidate has actually done, it really shouldn't be that big of a decision no matter which party you prefer but...

I agree. The whole campaign should just be an examination of what each person has already done and how they already voted on the issues. All of the garbage that is happening now doesn't amount to a hill of beans unless they already have their bills written and by law are required to submitt them to congress before the election. Let's just time warp ahead 50 days have the election and go riding.

From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory
committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.

After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days.

Watch this video...:eek:


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Jul 8, 2001
Sammamish WA
Ba & msft

They successfully exempted themselves form WA State B & O tax. WA State Corporate law was changed to accommodate them. $Billions in taxes forgiven on the come. They have a good deal and it may have been a good thing - taken on balance.

Here is the HOWEVER:

The Dems gave it to them and politics dictates they support the party who gives greenies the political power to keep us from riding on land we own (as a nation collectively). And then they want more and more wilderness.

The biggest employer in the state of Washington is now the State of Washington.

My dad told me you can not spend your way to prosperity. Can the Governor change that if you have employers # 1, 3 and 4 in your pocket?

# 2 (Weyerhauser) is being forced out of power because the Dems do not like tree farms that they cannot distinguish from forests.

The Republicans have supported your right to ride and if you want to keep riding the choice is clear.

The business of business is business and not politics. God put trees on earth to harvest some so we could ride in freedom. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Peace Out!


Well-known member
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Jul 9, 2001
sleds boys and girls, focus now. Don't let yourself get sidetracked talking politics in here. Its a waste of time anyway. How many times have you heard two people argue politics and one of them walk away saying..."you know, I think you're right, I am going to switch parties after having this informative discussion"


It's like I told my wife and her dad the other day (they both bleed D blood)... if there wasn't a D or an R next to their name you guys would both be all over the McCain/Palin ticket. But just because the big D is their they have to walk behind Osama, her brother was even a delegate and boy was that huge family news!!! Nobody is as important now.... Basically, they (and thousands of others) are discriminating based on one letter.
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