Just to step in here...from what I have read, the purpose of the kit is to give you the flexibility to tune your engine your way, if you decide to run huge boost etc. The mere fact that there are programs for the unit that are giving a stock sled 14HP gains, is more proving the fact that the tuning system can have its advantages for anyone. Pipe and crap for my PRO was $1500, and I probably gained 6HP...so this unit would have been a consideration for me at that time.
I THINK the other misconception here is the market-place he is targeting. Sure, there are say 400 turbo units a year sold, but that is because turbo'ing your 2 stroke sled for the majority of us morons SUCKS. I loved my HM 2011, but I hated playing with the programmer, so ended up on my stocker most of the time to ensure a pull and rip ride experience. All the power in the world, but when I’m in gullies and trenched out in a creek bed, not knowing what air-fuel mix to have it on with ambient temps of 65deg was a nightmare.
The hill is FULL of guys ready to line up and buy turbo'd sleds...just no one wants the bull**** associated with it...other than some of you mechanically inclined and motivated wrencher’s here...and I don’t mean that as a knock to any of you. Just that many of you have the patience and the knowledge to handle it….most of us DON’T.
For guys like me, I am awaiting my Vipec HM this year in hope that I can have a more powerful sled, that I barely notice that it is turbo'd in terms of operational functionality.
If that can be achieved, add a zero and double it for how many units will sell a year (if 400 is your starting number)…but of course, we’ll be buying stock $20k PRO’s with 190HP by then possibly too...
Anyway, back to this other thread on the issue where I am slapping some kid for some other non-sense