For the record... that was NOT the ramp's fault... the ramp was on uneven ground and i failed to notice so the whole ramp flipped on me when i hit the bottom and one side fell into a rut in the ice... that was PURELY rider error... then me, not being able to get OUT of ride mode thought I could throttle through it and carve up onto the deck... really, this is while I don't have a sport bike... if it was anything like my dirtbike I would be in dirt ride mode -which is bad... I have a hard time 'switching gears'... seriously... once, after a day of riding, I tried to bank my truck off a snow bank the way you do a sled... SILLY! I remember expecting it to act just like my sled and being suprised when I just plowed right into the bank and got stuck... trucks don't 'bank'... I think it runs in my family... my brother was always really bad after a rugby match... his GF wouldn't let him drive home, said he was always a wreck... I just can't switch gears...
so the ramp, never had an issue until I didn't apy attention to how it was sitting on the ground and I tried to 'ride it out'... gawd, I don't think I'll EVER forget that look Daryn gave me... I really thought it was over right there! It was the 'are you REALLY that stupid?' look!!