Here goes.* I thought you all should see how Ted treats a customer who put money down monthts ago.* He will not call.* You all know this.* I was in Valemount last weekend which is 8 hours closer to Kelowna then home for me.* Every day prior do that for two weeks straight I called and left messages saying I'm gonna be close and would like to pick up.* He e-mails me the day I'm sledding saying that my cylinders need to be re-plated again.* Yet in October he said he had them back and was ready to assemble.* I have also heard that a customer has cancelled funds sent to him because of this type of crap he pulls with us.* So I e-mailed again pretty mad and told him to get it running and to ride it to make sure it is in working order.*** As you can see he also calls me crazy and makes personal comments of what he thinks my finacial status is.* This tops the cake boys.
QUOTE"ride the **** out of it, I'm sure my guys would love to bag on it,* maybe this weekend?email? when you were close? are you feeling ok? maybe you should see a shrink? sneaky? wow man you have no idea? like I care who is where and when. I have too much work to give a ****. We have been working til 12 every night and 1:30am fri and sat. count the hrs.whats my money is good his is bad? what ya talking about?if it ain't done right why would I want to put it together to have you toast it 20 miles later and ***** at me. either its done right or not at all. don't worry can't wait to get it done. I don't plan on making a large bill, I didn't get the idea you had money pouring out of your pockets when i met ya.*Thanks Ted,"* END OF QUOTE
Just to fill y'all in I made a comment on a customers money being bad, not in any way his. He also called Ashman and asked if he was riding with me.* He knew in every way I was close by.* He even asked me if I was picking up in the past e-mail, yet never called to say it was done.* It must have not been, cause now he can't wait to get it done?* He sure is chasing his own tail here! He is making this WAY too personal now.