You know when I was going off about those C-17's and the cargo planes loading or unloading at a gate than the airport was completely shut down one night for some reason ? Never heard a peep except them announcing it on the morning news.
One of those C-17 bugged out after a week when IT made a dumbass out of herself in Poland . It left in the wee ours in the morning , followed by two or three cargos . Pretty hard to mistake a C-17 over head climbing elevation compared to a commercial cargo plane.
How do I know this ? The run way they used go over a residential part of town and is used for cargo planes .
So ? Well this runway is only used in high wind conditions and when it is it's at least a full day of coming and going . Not just three or four planes than back to the other runways. Again so what's the big deal?
There was no wind ,the tower doesn't operate like that at an international port , it will log jam not to mention could be dangerous . The other C-17 was still there the next day.
It's not some nutty wacked out imagination or conspiracy blamed **** , this abnormal behavior is the norm , you just have to open your eyes . I hear people say this all the time , it's best that you don't know or question .
Guess what it's to late .