I never said the poll has no validity, I said that all polls are biased both by the creator and by the responders.
All of us KNOW the tenor of the members. No one expected you to be happy about this. While everyone goes on and on about it not being about the money, we all knew full well it would be all about the money, and many members would be very unhappy at the thought of directly supporting their recreational forum. I don't need a poll to tell me we have some seriously unhappy members right now.
The only poll that will really matter is the one when we convert over to being paid membership. On that poll everyone will cast a vote with their hard earned dollars. The will be where the track meets the snow, or the rubber meets the road.
It will instantly separate those who talk the talk from those that walk the walk. And at that moment, we will know, in absolute definitive terms, what the entire membership thinks.
My job now, is to get us from here to there with as little trauma as possible, knowing full well, that this first week is going to be UGLY. But at the same time, to take as many of the suggestions and comments from the users that can be successfully integrated into that master plan for the site, and to do so for them.